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crystal_89's Guestbook

muggelx1Jan 9, 2009

i like your last story,very good work\:rah\:

muggelx1Jan 9, 2009

i like your last story,very good work\:rah\:

clairepitts1994Jan 9, 2009

Hey when you come up, would you be able to bring the sims 2 packs?? I have to re-install them all back into my game!! Stupid computer keeps crashing!!!

clairepitts1994Jan 8, 2009


clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

10 comments exactly!! My long comment was longer than yours *pokes tongue out* well I'm bored with this now, I feel so sorry for you poor poor you, I'm the only one who comments in your guestbook (*sshh* *nudge nudge* play along and you'll get sympathy signings\;\))

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

Michael's just had brain surgery for his tumour, but when he awakens from his induced coma what will he find?? His girlfriend's pregnant with his son's baby!! Tune in next time on Bold & The Beautiful to see how he handles the stress!!

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

Poor poor wenty! He had brain surgery!! That sounds like such a soap opera!

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

Did you know that Ricky Martin was hmm pg13....happy?? I couldn't beleive it!!

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

because I'm not one anymore\:\) I'm a purple blob of gooey ponies bells

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

I used to love that song, it reminds me of being a little girl

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

My Favourite things!!

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

I found the song!!!\:D

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

Apple strudele and dogs and poodles with noodles and girls in white dresses

clairepitts1994Jan 7, 2009

This means war...but the nice kind\:P The nice kind of effortly annoying kind that makes us think weird things because I'm bored! I cannot be held accountable for the random things i'm saying. Now that the legal stuffs out of the way......\:wacko\: .......\:P I was talking to the dishes!! Who does that??? ME!!! Well there goes your hidden secret identity that so well made yourself an alias....hmm I should watch that show, but I can't remember the last thing that happened in the 3rd season, poor Michael his wife was a trator all along and poor SYDNEY!! Not the city but the character Jennifer Garner plays. Now I've forgotten the name of the guy who was her friend. He was good looking, but he was blonde. I don't know what it is about blonde guys??? There's just something that I don't like!! It's weird, tall dark and mysterious for me!! Like Michael\:\( referring to Scofield so don't you go getting ideas about other Michael's I could be referring to because i'm NOT!! and my goodness me I'm in a crazy mood. I should take a typing test to see my wpm I think it'd be high because the last one I took I think I got 86?? I can't rememeber I think it may have been higher or lower, but as I said at the start I cannot be held accountable for the things i'm saying, because I could just be making all up on the spot for something to say. I should go and finish writing the next chapter of my story, it's only when stories start to become a chore that you should really take a break, but I'm so close to the end that I don't want to take a break!! Did you see Prison Break?? That was on last night, hmm I hope house taped last night, not last night but just before, well it would be last night for you if you were reading this in the morning. But I'm referring to it as...before when I was talking to you opposed to last night, because I haven't gone in a ride in my time machine for a while so it'd still be before when I talked to you and I'm really really really I don't know!! Is there a limit to how random and crazy words can fill this thing up>?? Maybe it'd split it into two messages hold on someone signed on msn that I don't know so I have to check what it was, notice I said what and not who, because people I don't like are not referred to as human beings at the moment, and it would have been much easier if I had of just done what I was going to do instead of nararating, and I don't think i spelt it write. lol my dad just told me to slow down, because of my typing but I'm all hyped up on sugar and I couldn't find the Y key lol and I did it again, I keep losing the y key and start writing u and i instead of y because I can't see the keyboard very well and I wonder how long this random message is because there's still a lot more to say, now what was I going to do? Oh yeah that's right I was about to check who just signed in on msn, it'd be funny if it was you, but if it was you then you probably would have said hi or something by now and what'd you know my brother just signed on msn, he must have gotten the internet working at his house, my ice blocks melted\:\( and the salt and vinegar chips are making a funny taste. Something tells me I wrote a lot....sorry for any spelling mistakes\:D I should really add more of these things\:mad\: \:rolleyes: \:P \:rolleyes: \:eek\: \:wacko\: \:o there you go a bunch of random of those things for you\:D

luckyoyoJan 4, 2009

Thank you for commenting on the story of my life...Part Five, I'm glad you like the story and are getting into it, it makes it all worthwhile.\:\)

DiddakoiGirlJan 2, 2009

You too! You're welcome, your stories are brilliant. \:D One of my resolutions is to write back to anyone who says thanks \:P

islandchild97Jan 2, 2009


Little Cloud Jan 2, 2009

Thank you, I did have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year \:D. I can't wait for more of "The Power of Fire".

smiley00girlJan 2, 2009

My pleasure! Can't wait to read more! Oh, happy new year!!!\:D \;\) \:P

jennnnnie02Jan 2, 2009

You're very welcome. I'll keep an eye out for it. \:D

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