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crystal_89's Guestbook

clairepitts1994Nov 23, 2008

The answer to your question before that I didn't answer.

clairepitts1994Nov 23, 2008


clairepitts1994Nov 22, 2008

Hey ooo I was so tempted to use your name then\:P Guess what I found?? Go on not'll never get it......oh I give up i'll just tell you. I found your present that I bought you!! Birthday present!!\:D \:D \:D I thought I lost it when I moved downstairs but I found it, and I shall give it to you next time I seeya! I am so dragging you with me to see twilight!! \:D it's a really good storyline......apart from the whole fakeness of it\:P all righteo then I'm gonna go talk to you soon cya\:\)

ScoobySnaxNov 21, 2008

Hi Crystal I dont know whether you found the answer to the your question about how to make images appear faded and appear overlayed, but I do understand your meaning. Depending on what graphics package that you use will depend on the tool to use. basically you need to work in layers, so you'll have two images on two separate layers, then then you need to adjust the opacity or transparency of each layer until your happy with the blending of the two images. Save the image as a .jpg and the programme will flatten the layer together so its one image. Hope this helps let me know whether your successful. Happy Onion Skinning Hunny! (little technical term for what your trying to achieve) Luv n Stuff ScoobySnax.

Hardyfan101Nov 21, 2008

You changed your little pic. I like it!!!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

wwechick38Nov 20, 2008

heyy there crystal, i just wanted to say thanks so much for the comment on the intro of 'Surviving High School' \:\) i appreciate taht you took the time to read and comment it \:D

skyblue7377Nov 20, 2008

you are so wonderfully welcome...always..and thank you for creating for us are awesome

shelllharnNov 19, 2008

hi there help???????????\:rah\: as you know i am writing Simbrother atm,well.......for some reason when i go to write a new episode,as i am removing the OLD pictures wen i get to a certain pic my comp crashes\:mad\: \:mad\: so i was wondering if you new of any other way i can remove the pics? i dont want to delete them out of the folder as i would still have to remove the pics from the story editor \:mad\: DO YOU HAVE TO REMOVE PICS ONE BY ONE OR IS IT JUST ME????????? PLZ GET BACK TO ME AND LET ME KNOW THANK YOU(if a can't fix this a can't write the rest of SIMBROTHER!!! PLZ HELP!!!!)

clairepitts1994Nov 17, 2008

I just read your about me thing again\;\) trully awsum *tear, muffled blowing nose* I fixed the internet!! And I fixed the story thing I was telling you about *phew* I've uploaded them now too! Well awsum witch\;\) and I best be going now coz i'm likely to ramble on ttu @4? or later depends if Abbey comes over or not. lol did i tell you? We're making egg peope, and making egg houses for them\:wub\: I'll take a picture and send it too you\;\) well talk to you later cya xox

JapaneseChinLove Nov 16, 2008

I can't wait for the next chapter!!! I am so excited!!! \:D \:D \:D

plyangel456Nov 15, 2008

LOL! I understand I hardly have time these days to play sims and it's really upsetting but I get more time now to have it with the holidays coming up. Yay! So have fun playing. \:D

Hardyfan101Nov 15, 2008

I know(just kidding)\:D

jayb04Nov 14, 2008

Hey everyone always need a break now and then it's no problem! Enjoy yourself and be safe \:\)

Hardyfan101Nov 14, 2008

Of course I understand!!!!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

skyblue7377Nov 13, 2008

I am cursed with patience. I hate it when a story ends so take your time and enjoy playing...huge hugs

QGNov 13, 2008

awsome! thanx for letting me know, and sure, play away.. that's what it was made for anyway\:D

shelllharnNov 13, 2008


shelllharnNov 13, 2008

hi there hun a know how you feel about taking a break writing stories does take up alot of time lol dont worry about i will still read ya story wen u decide to write more a love your stories i think you aqre a wkd writer keep it up but you deserve a break every now and then \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

clairepitts1994Nov 13, 2008

Are you there?? My STORY GOT FEATURED!!! WOOOOOO!!!! Have you read it?

wickedgoddess_athena711Nov 11, 2008

I'm not sure i forgot the exact URl but just search in google or in yahoo, jaydee's animation boxes and youll find it. It has all the aniamtions, in each expansion pack, that you'll need to stage actions in stories. \;\)

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