crzyj (85760)
About Me
I have twin boys but they are alot older now than they are in that picture, but I just love this pic. I wish I could go back to that time when they were alot less mischievious. Besides the Sims I do a little Karaoke, kids and work; that is my lot in life. It's not a lot but it's my life. Hopefully someday I can get lucky and someone will take pity on me my doctor's wil give me abilty to drive back even though I only have one good eye and partial vision in the other. Isolation from the outside world and depending on others for transportation really sucks, even though my husband doesn't mind I mind.
My Guestbook Show All
SunairMay 29, 2007
So nice to see you lovely comment again, thanks a lot BTW, I ususlly update twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday
Primetime024May 13, 2007
Hello crzyj, thank you for taking the time to leave comments on my artwork that you are enjoying. Have a great day.
TabbyLouApr 07, 2007
Hello & thanks so much for the comment on my recolors of The Blues Clues Grow-Up sets. I am glad you like the recolor of SnowStorm's large stroller frame mesh and that the set covers all ages. Keep On Simmin'! Enjoy!