daedreem (1203664)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The Gotham SuperCenter!!
Published Jan 11, 2006
About Me
I'm a Newly Full-Time Mom of a 23 Month and growing little girl, who has no time for The Sims... Yet I manage to play it anyway... and sometimes to Create... Don't ask how... Beats Me!!
- Update- I plan to create Sims Tees soon, based on the real T-Shirts I'm creating as an attempt at a Work At Home income. I'm currently investing most of my time on creating the REAL shirts, and very little playing Sims, or Creating Sims Content, so if you would like a Sims version of a specific shirt of mine, by all means request it! I'll put that one on the top of my 'things to create' list.
See http://www.catscratches.net/cscafepressshop.php for my real shirt menu.
- Back to our regularly Scheduled Profile... -
I love Karaoke, and met my husband while singing it, so HAD to get Nightlife.. Just for that.
If you download my creations, please rate and comment!! I like knowing what people are enjoying, and why they like it... or don't.
And before rating, please read the Item description again.. I've purposely uploaded 1 "unfinished house" so that a LARGE home would be available for under 20k, needing as few additions as possible to be complete. I love large houses, but My sims work hard for their money, and rarely have over 20,000 to start.... Hence my "room2grow2" house.. an experiment for here, with a nicely sized and shaped home, with pictures to show a suggested direction to go with the house, and a 19.xxxk pricetag.
The Sims in my game were living quite comfortably in no time, with no cheat!
If you'd like this same house with the larger pricetag, request it in item comments, or my Guestbook.
My Guestbook Show All
ayyuffApr 21, 2008
Hi!Thanks so much for your comment on my lot'creative&modern'' I'm glad you like it,have fun with it
Happy siming...
estaticaOct 19, 2007
Hi! I only saw your comment on my story today. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific about the CC I used, I downloaded so many stuff I could only keep track of the sites visited. As I told you before, you just need to use keywords on these sites and you're bound to find them quite easily as I did. If you're interested in reading the other chapters, you can find them on the left column of my minisite.
RhondaBlondaJun 05, 2007
Hi, in response to the comment you left on my Sunflower Kitchen Sink: The counter pictured is the country counter that came with Seasons, once you drop a sink on it it changes and you get the curtained front. The reason it is labeled Nightlife is because the sink came with Nightlife. When you download that file you are getting the sink not the counter. I have cropped the counter out, so it won't confuse anyone else. I'm not positive, but, I don't recall Glamour Life Stuff having any counters. Have a good day!