davidh (182703)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (65 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Sep 25, 2008
About Me
I was a late bloomer when it came to the Sims. Bought Sims Deluxe in January 2003 and I've been playing and building homes ever since. Lost my beloved partner in May 2009. Retired as a civil servant since May 2013 but I do occasional rideshare driving from time to time. I also own my own interior design/decorating business.
My Latest Updates Show All
Lots Unlocked!Written Oct 16, 2008
It had been brought to my attention that the majority of my lots had been locked and unavailable for download. I'm happy to report that this matter has been taken care of and all of my lots are now available to be downloaded by everyone. Woohoo!! Enjoy! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
_WAZOWSKI_Dec 11, 2024
thank you so much for your lovely comment.You made my day!
SkanningMay 11, 2020
Okay I can't resist asking if you aren't an Ohio native? "Akron" wrapped in Red & Gray......? At any rate, I do like the midwest tone to your houses. I build much more than I play and therefore d/l very few houses... but yours deserve some special consideration :-) Dare I say, "Go, Bucks" ?
charrayApr 06, 2009
I love your lots You are a wonderful artist, and did an amazing job! Thanks for all the work and for sharing. I hope you'll continue to create