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de_Anne's Guestbook

miros1Aug 10, 2006

Hi! Love your stuff! Sad because there's only one skin listed in the Red Seduction set and nothing listed for the Spotted Around Town set. I'd love the chance to get the "pieces" to these sets!

syd_101Apr 22, 2006

OMIGOSH! thank you for doing the sydney hair! you really like alias?!

DOTJan 22, 2006

Um . . . er, do you take request \:D I would like to hear a little something from Phamtom-tom Of The Operateah \:wub\: Let's make a skin. Meet me in the forum with it k . . . k. Don't make me bump a thread waiting for you \:ph34r\: Miss you something terrible \:puke\:

DOTDec 23, 2005

Happy Holiday's to you and yours deAnne \:wub\: YOU ROCK!

AnneDeeDec 8, 2005

Hi there! I also wanted to say thank you! I've noticed you and I share the same name, and from your profile, a lot of other things, too! Too bad I'm not as talented! \:D Keep up the great work!

oldmember_ BoldAssassinNov 14, 2005

hey! I love your phantom sims\:wub\: ....I have been looking for some forever! they are lovely. Is there any way to get them without having to sign up for the paid membership? I was just wondering...I was really disappointed when I saw they were locked.

nikayAug 27, 2005

Your stuff is fabulous!!\:wub\: I only get free stuff so i download your stuff when ever i can. I just wish there was more for me to download. But eep up the good work. Your AWSOME!!!\:cool\:

tanukiAug 26, 2005

You make awesome heads! I love all of them especially the characters from "Alias" and Anna from "Val Helsing"\:cool\: \:cool\: \:cool\: ! Banzai!!

oldmember_tragic_petMay 4, 2005

hey, dont want to bug you or anything, but i recently downloaded something of yours-Red Seduction High Fashion. I was wondering if you could give me a direct link to wherever I can find the mesh for it, because at the moment, when my SIM 1 sims change into high fashion options, they become nothing more than a floating head and hands-in ANY outfit, original or downloaded. this is a big problem for me \:\( If you could help me out, i'd really appreciate it. thanks alot, Cealidh \;\) PS- you can get in touch with me via

lorzeszekMar 30, 2005

Hello, I went to your website, but I cannot download your complete sims?

nablanablaFeb 24, 2005

YouI love you're skins! especially you're formal gowns from Phantom of the Opera!\:wub\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

oldmember_b_rob1Feb 19, 2005

I recently noticed your work because I was looking everywhere for nice Alias skins, as I am a HUGE fan of the show\:D Your new clothes are beautiful, and are just what I am looking for... if only they would come up free! I hope that you contine creating, and maybe updating the links to TSR if you have a chance, as they don't seem to work! Thank You!! \:wub\:Alias Fan\:wub\: Beth\:cool\:

oldmember_martinisthebestestFeb 19, 2005

Howdy de Anne, I just wanted to say that I love \:wub\: all of your sims 2 creations. And like others I have lost some files becuase of computer malfunctions, but im keeping my eye out for them here. Either way I love the new skins you are making. I can't get enough our your skins. Keep them coming \:rah\: -Martin-

oldmember_martinisthebestestFeb 19, 2005

Howdy de Anne, I just wanted to say that I love \:wub\: all of your sims 2 creations. And like others I have lost some files becuase of computer malfunctions, but im keeping my eye out for them here. Either way I love the new skins you are making. I can't get enough our your skins. Keep them coming \:rah\: -Martin-

oldmember_martinisthebestestFeb 19, 2005

Howdy de Anne, I just wanted to say that I love \:wub\: all of your sims 2 creations. And like others I have lost some files becuase of computer malfunctions, but im keeping my eye out for them here. Either way I love the new skins you are making. I can't get enough our your skins. Keep them coming \:rah\: -Martin-

angelbratFeb 18, 2005

I have always been a fan of Dafashion.I have also tried using the links to TSR,with no luck.I am in particular looking for the Sabina sim....especially the black/blue bob.I had it and lost it during reforatting \:\( Again,your work is awesome.Look forward to many or at!!Hope to find the Sabina sim is ready for download soon. Thank you!!\:wub\: Kathy

oldmember_LilSheDvl88Feb 17, 2005

I LOVED you at and it is kind of sad that the things that were once free to me are no longer but I admire your work. \:D Thak you for your creations (Ive been using them sims The Sims 1)Your site is still beautiful and all the "Available at TSR" links I don't mind! LoL But Ive noticed not so much of your stuff is here.. Are they not up yet? Well Your work is still and probably always will be fantastic! Thanks again and best of luck with all! -Nicolette

Tess From SwedenFeb 15, 2005

Hi! You are amazing doing these sims and your site is incredible. But where can I find your sims? // Tess from sweden

ninapinacoladaFeb 13, 2005

Woah de Anne! You make absolutely beautiful clothes, makeup and hair - I am downloading a few as I type - just beautiful - thank you! \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\: nina

MeilorFeb 11, 2005

First of all, I love your stuff. I recently had to reinstall my game and lost all of my custom files. The only ones I regretted losing were yours. Sadly I had forgotten your name. I spent almost an entire night looking for them and finally found your site. I was so happy. I got the eyes, but I was unable to find your eye make up anywhere. I looked on your site and like all the other files, it brought me here. But the only make up here is lipstick. Is it just because you haven't been able to add them yet? I hope so. As long as you keep making stuff, know you have at least one fan. \:cool\: Meilor

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