debra_zebra (2878947)
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About Me
Harrow. Welcome to my Doob Face :3
Name: Doob. Or Debbie to the norms.
Age: 23
Lives: Derby, England. Pip pip doodily doo and all that!
Likes: Drawing, Seeing friends, Partying, Chatting, The Sims (A little too much perhaps!), Eating, Sleeping...Most other girl crap too!
I don't really know what else to put, but this is enough for now! ^__^
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsJul 15, 2013
OMG!!you are so sweet♥
PralinesimsJul 13, 2013
Hello!! Thank U SO MUCH for the amazing feedback!!!!♥♥♥ I wish you a super beautiful
PralinesimsJul 06, 2013
Hello Thanks so much for commenting! I wish you an amazing weekend!♥