deevious (5228246)
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CrazyxChaosRaWrFeb 15, 2015
Thank you for the comment on my guestbook! I'm glad you like my work!
notegainSep 30, 2014
Hi, i just got what you meant by not supported Contacted TSR.
notegainSep 25, 2014
Hi, thanks for your comment on all that jazz set, but i couldn't understand why you said it's not supported. I contacted tsr and they replaced the files with new ones i made. Though i still can't understand what was wrong with them in the first place, i PMed some people who said it's not working for some details to help me identify the problem but couldn't get an answer, so i remade the whole thing from scratch, and still they work fine for me on my computers on every graphic setting. Anyway, thanks for liking them, i really, really, hope they will work fine this time. Have a nice day.