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delilah_ross's Guestbook

AlyoshaJun 26, 2009

Hi there! Thank you so much for leaving such lovely and appreciative comments on my creations! I am so happy that you like them!\:D Happy Simming! Alyosha \:rah\:

clairepitts1994Apr 16, 2009

fingers crossed\:\)

Deanna73070Apr 11, 2009

Hi delilah!  Thanks for stopping by to comment on Speltzer Manor.  I'm glad that you like it.  Hope you have a great day.

AhrimaApr 11, 2009

Youre welcome.

AhrimaApr 11, 2009

Yo what up sis? It's your brother Ahrima. Loving the Travis Clark. Can't wait for Wentworth Miller. Mwah.

clairepitts1994Apr 5, 2009

Something happened to my 'theft and prosperity' story, so I had to remake the characters. They didn't change noticably except for the Michael character, who I decided to change to Wentworth Miller!!! he he he.\:wub\: Except he didn't turn out the way I wanted him to, which is annoying. Wentworth Miller is hard to make into a sim! I hope u have more luck with yours\:D.....waiting as patiently as I can for them!!!! he he he. Okay leaving now, adios xox.

xtinabobinaMar 30, 2009

hey! just stopping by to wish you a great day! xtinabobina.

xtinabobinaMar 23, 2009

hello..sorry i didn't do this sooner..i thought i did..i think i might have actually told someone else *oops* anyhoot, the dress..idk where i got it from..the wings are from Peggysims & the hair is from Rose Sims 2..they make amazing stuff..the wings are free..the hair is not. have a beautiful day! ~xtinabobina.

clairepitts1994Mar 23, 2009

Well he's not a bad guy to be stuck in one's head.....\:\) I was going to do that, learn how to make the sims so they look really realistic with all the skins and stuff, and make characters from good tv shows, and seeing how you're making prison break. I'll just have to make the people from my equally it's about a notch below prison break, but make the cast from Smallville and all those other good shows that are coming into my head now. Too many to name. Can't wait to see what your Wentworth Miller looks like, let me know when you post him \:\) adios xox

clairepitts1994Mar 23, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my story 'theft and prosperity' it reminded you of prison break? lol that's funny. (love prison break!!) umm yeah, the story was based actually on a dream. And I was watching a lot of prison break that night before I went to sleep. lol. The guy in it Michael, in my dream he was Wentworth Miller!! I was going to have him in the story, but all the wenty sims I found didn't look right...........sorry daydreaming a bit there, wentworth miller.........\:wub\: The next part might take a while to get out, I explained it in my blog. Hehe I'll never not find that amusing, my blog lol. Okay, anyway hope you have an awsum day, adios xox 

DandaLunaMar 21, 2009

Thank you so much for your sweet comments on Lara's Motel, D's SuperMarket and D's FireStation!I'm so glad you like them! Cheers, Danda \:\)

luckyoyoMar 21, 2009

Thank you for your nice comment on Jacksons Court.\:\)

ice_loveMar 19, 2009

Hi! thnx for your comment on my screenshot. I think it was really sweet of you.\:wub\:

xtinabobinaMar 11, 2009

really??\:eek\: i had no idea there was a modeling career...

twofeeMar 11, 2009

is that your dog in your profile picture? its super cute \:\)

xtinabobinaMar 11, 2009

haha no..its not the modeling career..i wish..just a pose. hey but thanks for taking time to comment on my screenshot. xtinabobina.

TugmeLMar 9, 2009

Merhaba, gec cevap icin uzgunum bu yeni sisteme alismak biraz zor \:\( ewimi sevip indirmen beni cok mutlu etti!! \:wub\: lütfen artik CC olan ewlerimde farkli uygulamaya gectigim icin mutlaka zip olan indirme sekli secilerek ve read me okunarak install yapilmasi lazim cunku zip dosyasinda ayrica o ewde kullandigim objeler klasoru mevcut ve ilk olarak onun download klasorune konmasi sonra ewin install yapilmasi gerekiyor.. tekrar tesekkurler.. gorusmek uzere..

stephanie1225Mar 9, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my screenie \:D

catheeFeb 20, 2009

\:D Thank you for the nice comments you left me in my guestbook on my creations! Glad you are enjoying them! Take care! Cat  \:rah\:

jabireFeb 17, 2009

Hi !Sorry later reply. Thank you very much  for your comment on my creations Hugs . Maluy

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