deluxepinkfairy (3948536)
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Katherine1091Aug 19, 2014
Oh okay, that's not so nice. But I use my boyfriends laptop as well, because my computer is so slooooow... I'm doing my drivers licence, so a new computer have to wait I press all my thumbs that you'll get a job next year yeah the sentences are really hard sometimes!
I didn't liked school too. I was boring and all the tests.. annoying!
Katherine1091Aug 02, 2014
That's with the poses is no problem. All I found is for the Poseplayer from Mod the Sims. You have to put the Poseplayer in your Mods folder. I created a folder called "poses". So I've put the Poseplayer in it and all the other poses I've downloaded are in subfolders. And thats it
Yeah that's true. I was yesterday writing at chapter 1 and I wanted to write a sentence and I had to think about it about 15 minutes XD that's so stupid! I hope it's correct now.. I hope I can submit the next chapter in the next 2 or 3 days and it's soon published!
yeah my vacation was much fun but I could have another 2 weeks of vacation
PrettysgiJul 31, 2014
Thank you for your comment in my story, you're so sweet :3 Have a nice day! ♥