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demtay12's Guestbook

Desu BaloneySep 21, 2010

yeah, i like them, too! kesha is awesome. X-D i dont know who delta goddard is, though. i like the song "down", too. i HATE justin beiber. >_< he has more haters than he does fans. he's just....ugh...he hits on middle-aged women when he's only sixteen. and im taller then him. and im THIRteen. im super uber tall. 5'8 or 5'9. its so annoying being taller than guys!! ugh!! >__< the song "numb"  is one of my favorites. it's da bomb. ^__^ lol, no one says that anymore!

Desu BaloneySep 20, 2010

hellos, me again. \:\) what bands do you like? \:D I like Linkin' Park, Greenday, Evanescence, Lily Allen and Regina Spektor. The last two aren't bands, but whatever. \:D I've always wanted to try auto-tune, lol. \:D it sounds so cool!! X D

Desu BaloneySep 19, 2010

i think Demi is a nice name! so you had another friend named Olivia...and you hate her now? o.o but yay, i am wuvved!! <3 wuv u too. and i wuv Maddy...or Madison, whichever. i wuv pretty much everybody that is nice. or gives me candy. im addicted to chocolate. ^_^ if a stranger asked me if i wanted some candy i'd probably say yes, and then kick them...somewhere. i take a martial arts called capoeira, so i have my self defenssse. : P also sorry, im kinda filling up your guestbook i noticed!! >_<

Desu BaloneySep 18, 2010

well, actually my friend was a good bit older than me...also she lived in canada...she was like a penpal, really, but also a family-friend. : ( thanks for the support, i appreciate it. : ) Demi is a cool name!! my name is just...olivia, lol. most people call me livvy. : ) i dont watch disney channel, btw. it never catches my interest, plus we don't even have it. no cable on our TV. : ( we have about ten channels that usually arent...the most interesting. i was watching an ad for a food processor called the "magic bullet" and this guy was using it to make guacomoli or however you spell it, and he was using a knife to spread it all over this food and he said, "and notice how i'm not using a knife!!" and i was like, "...uh."

Desu BaloneySep 15, 2010

it's almost fall here. dude, it's spring over there? LOL! : D so is your name really Demtay? or is it just a username? i love that name!! im also sad 'cuz the computer with the stuff i need to continue my story is still in florida!! :' ( we moved about two weeks ago. also my best friend maggy DIED this morning from pancreatic cancer!! D ': it's so SAD!!

luckyoyoSep 15, 2010

Hi, Thank you for your sweet comment on my screenshot  Our 14th of September 2010, yes they are now out for you to download if your interested.\:\)

Desu BaloneySep 14, 2010

HEYYYY im back!! : D australia sounds different LOL. but awesome, too. : ) sooo, your friend wants to be friends with me too, lol. IM POPULAR, YESSSS!!!! jks.  soo...field trips are extrucishishi...somethings? i fail at remembering how to spell big worlds. : ( im so bored. i drank some sprite, now my stomach hurts...dang that stuff makes you wanna puke if you gulp it down all at once!! : o

MaddisonSims3Sep 14, 2010

heeello sweety \:\) yeh me to \:\( for the movie i decided i wood do "Pandoras box" probaly, i mite make the characters now. just downloading clothes for them \:D

MaddisonSims3Sep 11, 2010

heeeloo my gorgeous little buddy \:\)yes i hav bookmarked u, please bookmark me back ::\:D thnx for the signing of my guestbook thingoo LOL u r awessomme and i dont hav anything else to say! welll byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\:\)

Desu BaloneySep 6, 2010

NAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! so it's a pet? OLIVIA FAILS ONCE AGAIN! : D im going camping all this week cuz of a feild trip or something...i dont want to!! i like camping, just not for an entire im sad. : ( i wish i could speak some language that's insanely spanish or something...than i could go up to random people and start shouting at them random blah and run away. i danced in walmart today. it was fun, plus there was a catchy song playing. a lot of people stared at me...oh well. i dont know them and they dont know me.

steadyaccessSep 4, 2010

THANK AGAIN!))))))))))))))) I will try to make some or most of my staff FREE\:D \:D \:D I WISH YOU, my dear little friend, AN AMAZING WEEKEND!)))

Desu BaloneySep 2, 2010

you like walking mexican fish?!, i can't compete with that. \:D i don't really like seafood, if that's what that is...i love chocolate covered peanuts!! do you have an email?? \:D I  have a strange one, but it's also awesome. 

steadyaccessSep 1, 2010

Hello!!!!!!!!!!Hi!!!\:D \:D Thanks for congratulations! \:DI very appreciate it))\:wub\:

SaliwaAug 31, 2010

Thank you so much for congr. hugs \:wub\:

Desu BaloneyAug 31, 2010

indiana is okay...its kinda...dead. : / all empty and shiz. if your not from america where are you from? : o PLUTO!? i love drawing!! that is my Random Fact Of THUH Day.

easysimsAug 30, 2010

\:\) Hi,thanks for your nice comment on my 'Eyeliner with heart (L)'.I'm so happy you like it\:D Have fun!

flody888Aug 30, 2010

You're welcome again! \:\) Yes, that would be so great if some creator could make a set like that!!!! Have a great week!

flody888Aug 27, 2010

You're welcome! \:\) Yes, comments are nice to read. \:\) Really enjoyed your aquarium series though. Great shots and subject! Have a really wonderful week! \:\)

Icia23Aug 26, 2010

Hi! I have to make a new mesh for your request! lol xD, now i want to know what is your style? rocker? girly? i mean flowers and colors? or maybe elegant? let me know  \;\)

Desu BaloneyAug 24, 2010

its ok, its ok!! \:\) dont worry bout it! \:D im not...uh, from japan, lol. in fact im moving to indiana today!! \:\) id like to be friends with you too! and your the same age as me!! \:D have an awesome x 12222222222 week!!

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