divadesigns (5825017)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Luxurious top
Published Apr 21, 2014
About Me
Total sims addict...I was creating custom content for the sims 2 in 2008 but then real life and work got in my way.Now I am very happy to do what I like the most - playing the sims again! I work as an artist for different designers and when I have time I design my own clothes for the game.
I hope you like them and please be so kind- leave comments,guestbook entries or PM me if you have any questions! I don't bite but I don't always have the time to respond.
My sims 3 clothing creation policy is very(!) simple-
*Do not use my textures as a template
*Do not download my files from The Sims Resource and host them to another site.. It's forbidden!
*Do not claim as your own
*Do not include them to sim uploads if you upload them to the exchange! I only allow them to be uploaded when proper credit is given..
Thanks for reading and have fun playing the game