dlarlQma (5952598)
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mutskeMay 19, 2020
Hi, there is part 2 and 3 of the Banks construction with more windows in different sizes I hope this is what you mean.
~Lutetia~Dec 23, 2015
Hi, thank you for reporting this glitch, I'm sorry to hear it made your game crash. I've actually heard of someone else who has the same problems, so you're not the only one and obviously there's something wrong with the file.The thing is, in my game it works flawlessly, so it's going to be difficult to find out what's actually wrong with it. The only thing I could do now is to re-create the item(s) and see if it works then (btw: is it just the YA/A sweater or the complete set?). This may take sometime, but I'll do my best to fix this!! Anyway have a great day and Happy Holidays!!