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doon27's Guestbook

miki02May 7, 2012

dude,can i request a portrait picture ??i want to put on the portrait.Me and my girlfriend..just like on your creatins...huif you have facebookbook account,please add me up

franniesuicideMay 6, 2012

hi wayne, you're very welcome! have a nice day

PralinesimsMay 3, 2012

Keep up the great work!!♥

chealsycatMay 1, 2012

Hi Wayne ! I've found time to visit your page in the end (have been too busy recently\;\)) Your pictures are real masterpieces \:rah\: I wish all the best to you and Mel \:D

ilknursaresMay 1, 2012

mrb nasıl artist resmi koyuyorsun ben misha collinsi çok istiyorum yardım edermisin

ikabodyApr 26, 2012

Thought you needed a G'day in the year 2012! Always loved your creations but the opening of your Art Gallery is fabulous!!!!

enchanting58Dec 20, 2011

Hi, \:D I wish them all by heart of a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012 with much health and happiness. \:wub\: \:wub\:

murfeelSep 14, 2011

I'm back home again! \:rah\: Yeah, we had ANOTHER hurrticane hit us in New York, Hurrican Lee this time, and it made Hurricane Irene look like a simple DRIZZLE. \:\( I got flooded out and have been away all week, but I'm back again and finally reunited with my computer (lol \:P ), and was really touched by the GB post you left me! \:wub\: Thank you so much for you concern! \:wub\: And I'm SO SO glad that you were able to resolve your own problems simming wise! \;\) That was another bit of good news I got today, reading that my instructions on the blog helped someone.--thanks for reading it! ^-^ I'm always having problems with this game, and an just imagine the frustration you and others must have had, too. \:\( This game's gonna kill us all! LOL \:P HAPPY SIMMING, Wayne!!!!! \:rah\: \:D

murfeelSep 1, 2011

Yup! I'm 100% alright now! The hurricane passed, and they turned our power back on after two days--when we had a tornado the power was out a LOT longer, even though the damage left by the tornado wasn't even half what the hurricane brought--wierd people, power companies. \:o \:P Thank you so much for your incredible words; I am glad to know that people like my creations--out of the 'box' as they may be at times. \:P I am making a new one right now, and I can't wait to put my gift inside and try it out on a lucky simwitch! \:rah\: Thanmks again! :wub Have a great rest of the week! \:wub\:

jauntyAug 29, 2011

Hi Wayne Cindy aka jaunty is in da house lolllllll I have left a comment on your page sweetie :-) I watched the link and it was amazing I would love to do what they do in photoshop :-) I hope your having a wonderful day and are not working too hard? I hope to hear from you later my dear friend :-) Hugs and Kisses your friend cindy x x x

murfeelAug 27, 2011

\:eek\: HOLY EVERLOVING GOODNESS GRACIOUS I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! \:eek\: On the inside I feel like a chicken running around with her head cut off--I am THAT OFF THE WALLS EXCITED AND TOUCHED AND HAPPY and really just SHOCKED!!! \:eek\: All I can say (apart from my mad ramblings) is just THANK YOU SO SO MUUUUUUCH!!!! \:rah\: WOW--no one except for just ONE friend has EVER Gifted me before, and NEVER a Gift THAT daggone BIG! \:eek\: O.O (We're dead broke, we stick to Gifting eachother 25 Simpoint little things if we can afford them--LOL! ) But omG!!!! I am SINCERELY touched, and I really want to add you as a friend so that I can thank you on your page as well! Thank you thank you--I NEVER expected something like this--WOW!! I don't know what to do--I'm really in shock right now! \:P *HUGS and KISSES!!!* Thank you SO much, Doon27!!!! \:wub\: I very much hope you have an excellent weekend, because I know you just made MINE! \:rah\: (and it was turning into real crap, too--I'm in New York, and we're in the middle of a hurricane crisis, so...yeah... \:P )

murfeelAug 26, 2011

\:eek\: the banner \:ph34r\: LOl about the jealousy-lines! \:D I wa wondering: what does the spellbook actually DO? No one's really *talking* about it in the community--mostly just cussing EA out for hiding it in an obscure set, and then charging too much for it. \:P But I really want to know: what 'Spells' does the spellbook entail? I'm all about magic, and I'd love to know. Is it Entertainment, or a new skill (oh, I hope so! \:\( ), or...? \:o

jubeauty2003Aug 25, 2011


PralinesimsJul 8, 2011

Hello!\:D Thank you so much for leaving us such amazing feedback!♥♥♥We wish you a adorable day and a beautiful weekend\:wub\:\:wub\: *KISSES*

yvonneeJul 4, 2011

hi dear Wayne \:\) thank you sooo much for your nice comments , I´m very glad ! have a happy day ! hugs yvonne

mellimarxJul 4, 2011

Thanks for helping me create my minisite \:\) \:wub\: I now have you bookmarked \:D

lionessleeJun 29, 2011

Hello Wayne i need to ask you a question, i made a shack or at least i call it that for my friend Marty and i cant get it to upload on ea or on here please tell me you secrets lol thank you so much.

GothicFairyTaleJun 25, 2011

Hello Wayne!!!! Hello my dear friend\:\) !!!!! I’m happy that you like it\:P . Thank you for the sweet \:wub\: sweet \:wub\: comment and message! Have a beautiful weekend.

DegeraJun 21, 2011

Hi Wayne!  Thank you for commenting in my guest book and giving me such nice feedback on my houses.  I really appreciate it!  Have a great day \:\)

lionessleeJun 18, 2011

Hello thank you so much for that info its working lol

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