dudette00900 (1146227)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (28 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Black Maxis Formal
Published Oct 12, 2005
About Me
Hello! I've always been into sims, but only recently I've started recoloring and trying to learn how to use photoshop. I don't have much time for it- i'm still in high school- but i'm trying. I'm expanding into learning skinning and meshing, but I love creating makeup.
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moore100856Feb 25, 2006
Thanks for the child mesh. It added a "tween" age to the game, which is cool.
Hope you continue your work ,as you have a talent for it. Thanks
Yokoshima_JuggaletteFeb 03, 2006
Hey just came by to say how wonderful all your stuff is. This just goes to show age has no say in a creator's talent. Sorry about your meshing problem, Im just getting into meshing myself, in fact, I still have to download Milkshape and Simpe. So why cant you get milkshape anymore? I wish I could help!
dudette00900Oct 25, 2005
Hey anyone who bothers to read this-! I'm seriously depressed because of some meshing issues. I can't get Milkshape anymore- and this seems to the the only compatible program (with SimPE and the Meshtool) ---for clothing/hair meshes. I have Wings 3D and Blender, and guess I just have to wait until someone (or myself..?) figures out how to use one of these awesome other programs. If anyone knows any good advice- PLEASE TELL ME! I REALLY miss meshing... tear! And I had just began...