eeqfl (678635)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Purple Tye-Dye Dress
Published Feb 3, 2009
About Me
Well I love playing the Sims 2. I'm just starting out making rugs and walls so please leave me comments by PM or other. I'm married I have a 2 year old Dachsund named Spike and a 4 year old domesticate bengal named Nala who are my kids currently . Im also a web designer and going back to school to get my AS in Web Design and Animation. I also Own 1 and moderate 2 RPGs on Yahoo groups.
My Guestbook Show All
IllianaJan 28, 2009
Hello Eeqfl! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the Kitchen Islands tutorial! I hope you have fun designing and building lots of fun and interesting lots! Thanks again! - Illiana
*Louisa*Sep 13, 2007
Hi. Thanks for commenting on a couple of my painting recolours. I'm glad you like them. Best wishes and happy simming! Louisa
TabbyLouSep 08, 2007
Hi, Welcome back to TSR! Thanks so much for the great comment on my Purple Haze bedding. My FAV color too! You can probably tell by a lot of my recolors. Keep On Simmin'! Enjoy!