elena99e (3703201)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (80 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Lover's Cottage
Published Feb 10, 2012
About Me
I LOVE building houses in Sims 3! I'm getting much better at it and my landscaping abilities are coming along quite nicely, if I do say so myself. I wish I could make my own custom content but I am not talented enough at those crazy programs. I had a hard enough time making my profile picture the right size.
My motto: A gnome in every home!
My Guestbook Show All
moonshimmersApr 23, 2013
Your hoses are WONDERFUL! I think I've downloaded then all. THANK YOU!!
JessieDaviesJun 11, 2012
Im loving all your houses, especially the country ones! Thankyou for making them, ive downloaded so many, will make a brilliant home for my sims! Thankyou xxxxx
tranced25Jan 25, 2012
Hi Elena! Thank you for the wonderful compliment you gave on Dewberry Farm! I'm so happy you like it, take care!