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evetsangel's Guestbook

ead425Apr 4, 2009

:P  Thank you. It is alway nice to know that others enjoy what I try to create.

xtinabobinaApr 3, 2009

haha you had better stock up on food! i know my three girlfriends and I clear out the pantry and fridge so often that my mom has to put her foot down! lol..my friends practically live here at my house so she buys food for them too! that's why she's so excited for the summer to come because we won't be home ALL summer..yes, that's right..im going away\:\( i am going to Lonehollow camp here in texas to be a wrangler! (i basically ride horses all day with kids) how fun is that?? and i get to do it with my best friend in the whole world, Brittany!! i'm stoked except that i get homesick\:\( and i have a golden retriever puppy who i wont get to see all summer! he is like my baby...i'll be so sad. anyway, i hope to hear from you soon! good luck with all those girls! and enjoy your weekend! love, xtinabobina.

lisa9999Apr 3, 2009

Hey Sarah, just popped by to say hi and send some kudos! Lisa\:wub\:

xtinabobinaApr 3, 2009

thanks so much for commenting on my house too!! if you downloaded it, i'd love to see what you do with it in some screens\:\) love, xtinabobina.

xtinabobinaApr 2, 2009

10 generations! phew! that'll keep you busy for sure lol. i've never tried that before. I think I managed four generations once, but that was back before i started playing around with making screenshots and stories lol speaking of stories..i think i'm going to write a couple this weekend..one short story and Episode 3. hmm..idk..depends on how much time i have on my hands! well, hope to hear from you again soon! take care!!

lisa9999Apr 2, 2009

Morning Kudos. If I had a choice between pizza and chocolate, I would have to choose chocolate. You have to excuse me, I brook my finger (middle finger left hand) and I find it hard to type an not use it.  I got it caught in the dogs leash and he saw my nieghbor and tried to bolt, 58 pounds of dog pulling on one finger. OUCH! have a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

xtinabobinaApr 1, 2009

hey! thanks for taking the time to read episode 2! i think cliffhangers are sort of my thing! like a trademark haha. episode 3 should be published this weekend. oh and to answer your poll i dont like pizza...i LOVE pizza. we eat pizza at my house at least once a week! we're like pizza junkies lol. papa johns is my fave! but since my parents like pizza hut, i never get any good pizza! so it's east to say no, which is good because im counting calories. anyhoot, nothing funny has happened on sims recently! i havent had time to play between writing, taking screenies, building houses, and doing homework! but last night Deanndra (the actual one lol) was playing and there was a glitch and her family got stranded at a community lot because the phone to call a taxi had disappeared (?) so i had to give her a cell phone via a cheat and got her family safely returned home. she's trying her best not to cheat, but i know it won't last long. lol. well be sure to stop by and have a look at my new screenies--tell me what you thinK! i've been playing around with paint shop and having a blast!:P

lisa9999Apr 1, 2009

Morning Kudos! Who doesn't like pizza.?! Have a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

xtinabobinaApr 1, 2009

hey! Episode 2 "Of Love & Lust: Life's Lemons" has been submitted for approval! Enjoy! love, xtinabobina.

xtinabobinaMar 31, 2009

hey! no problem! we hadn't commented in a while and i wanted to say hello! how is everything going? anything funny happening on Sims?

xtinabobinaMar 30, 2009

hey! just stopping by to wish you a great day! love, xtinabobina.

ianbradley26Mar 28, 2009

Thanks so much for your feedback on my lots. I'm really happy they work for you and that you enjoy them. If you have my Chicago house, it's worth noting that you can make an octagonal roof where the large bay window is on the second floor. It kind of looks better like that, but it's up to you. Also, the greenhouse roof tool and some nice roof edging looks great over the second floor conservatory. \:\)

tey711Mar 28, 2009

Hello evetsangel, Thank you for letting me know about your new survey! I came straight to your site and took it! \:\) ... tey

lisa9999Mar 27, 2009

Morning,  I tired to write yesterday, but the site was not working well so I gave up. So I hope you had a good day yesterday and have great one today! Lisa\:wub\:

DevalynMar 27, 2009

You're welcome! Have a great weekend \:\)

b-bettinaMar 26, 2009

Hi there! \:D Thank you so much for the congrats! \:D Have a nice day! \:wub\: Bettina

blahblahBrittMar 25, 2009

Oh I know the feeling, I hope the stress doesn't overwelm. When I get like that, I make bracelets. X3

hasel Mar 25, 2009

Hi..Thank you so much fot your kind comment..\:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 24, 2009

I email you back! I got it right this time. Sorry abou that! Lisa\:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 24, 2009

Morning, I hope all is well.  I sent you a summer banner last night.  I am so glad you like the spring one.  Thank you for the thanks in your in your about me pod.  You didn't have to do that. Have a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

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