evilerci (2901701)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (154 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Marilyn Monroe Laptops
Published Jun 20, 2010
About Me
Bit of sci-fi, fantasy geek. Which will probably show in any items i create.
My Latest Updates Show All
About Pin up ArtistWritten May 12, 2010
I've posted several pin up paintings, with more upcoming. I feel it only fair to give credit to the original artist and provide a little info on him (all but one of the pieces was from the same artist). The artist was named Gil Elvgren and the following is from wikipedia. Gil Elvgren (March 15, 1914 – February 29, 1980), born Gilette Elvgren , was an... ...More
I'm backWritten Mar 10, 2010
first off apologies to anyone who's comments or messages i've seemed to ignore, computer problems have kept me offline for awhile now. I am now completely back up, so i should have new items available soon. ...More
Just wondering about how long approval takesWritten Dec 08, 2009
I'm just wondering how long approval process usually takes for sims 3 uploads. I've got a couple that have been pending for 3 or 4 days now. Previous uploads have been approved within 24 hours. Is this time frame variable? Any answers would be appreciated. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
dsrhnryAug 08, 2010
your very welcome and you have a wonderful weekend.
dsrhnryAug 07, 2010
i wanted to stop by and say hello and tell you how talented I see in your work. thank you for sharing it with all of us for our homes.
AshleyBlackJun 06, 2010
Hello! Thank you for your kind words in my guestbook! Keep up the good work, and have a nice day!