ewendy (5062405)
About Me
I'm a middle-school (yes, I'm breaking all the rules!) freak with a passion for writing and a mutual hatred towards ordinary people. I am mean, sometimes selfish, but I can be sweet if I want to be. It all depends on my mood- like, if a freaking ugly History teacher assigns us FIVE pages to do on Greek Mythology by the end of the week, then yes, I get pissy...
.... (Sorry for getting bitter- it's, it's just WRONG, okay? It's just wrong. Don't judge me.)
I am cynical, hateful, and vindictive, and I can be a true-blue bitch at times. But honestly, I'm not seriously that horrible. I mean, can a Pottermore freak who abhors misconceptions in society today be all that bad?
I am also a feminist. I really dislike people who think feminists are extremists. We believe in woman rights. We dislike chivalry (you should be kind to all people, not because of their genders, but because THEY. ARE. PEOPLE.), and we do not believe in gender-roles. What is the matter with that?
Enough about my bitterness. I will now venture forward into this horrible profile and write about the things I DO like. Believe it or not, actually have hobbies that don't include ragging out on lame-ass teachers and cursing stereotypical men. No, I love Harry Potter with a passion that's almost scary. I wonder why nobody made "Potter-ism" a religion yet.
I used to like Tumblr, before potential rapists, kidnappers, and sadists infiltrated the website, so I don't see any point in giving you my account. I like indie pop, wizard rock, and horrible raps made by myself and my friends. I also enjoy making fun of Twilight, so, yeah, if you're interested in calling Edward Freaking Cullen a sparkly wood nymph you should join me.
I would write more, but I'm too lazy.
Don't be judgmental.
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NordsAug 03, 2019
Hey, thank you! The hair I used on my La Luna Earrings preview is from The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff Pack.
PralinesimsOct 09, 2013
((~~Thank youuuuuuuu so much!!!♥~~))
EsyraMOct 05, 2013
Hello ! Thank you for the amazing comment. I appreciate it so much . Have a great weekend. (Hugs) Marie