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fatanasov's Guestbook

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:

QubeDesignSep 27, 2010

Ha! I'm glad you understand my Hemmingway lot - its very creepy! \:\)

Lisa 86Aug 15, 2010

Hi! Thank you so much for your comment on my set "Timian Kitchen", I'm really glad you like it! I understand where you're coming from wanting a different type of cabinets, and I think I know what kind you're thinking of, but that was not the style I was going for with this kitchen, maybe the next one \;\) Have a wonderful weekend \:D

QubeDesignJul 14, 2010

Hi Philip, thank you for your great comment on my 'Gothic Manor' lot.  I'm really glad you like it, and maybe you'll like my next gothic lot, 'Granton Hall' coming out on Saturday!  \:\)

PralinesimsJul 1, 2010

Hello philip\:D how is it goinggggg?! lol\:\) thank you so much sweetie for the awesome feedback you left on my recent houses!! wow thanks alot!! i wish you a beautiful and relaxing day and a wonderful week!!see you philip\:\) byeeeee *HUGS*\:wub\:\:rah\:

PralinesimsJun 27, 2010

Hey crazy philip\:D how are you?? im hope you´re fine\:\) so. i personally use only winrar..i download the file i want, then i extract it to the desktop ,the symbol ist mostly the green sims diamond its called "sims3pack",but some files are "package files" for this files you need to install a programm called the monkey installer..when you have installed the monkey installer programm you only need to double klick on the package file you want..it extracts itself to the right place..the files are under Hardfile,then you should click on programms,then klick on electronic arts,then sims 3 there will be a folder called mods,klick on it...and th last step is to click on the package folder (there are the installed package files)    Most of the downloads from simpossible and mangosims are package files you can download the monkey installer on mod the sims.   Simcredible categories are  a little bit complicated to find. you have to look right  You have to click on " Search downloads" and after clicking on it ,the categories appear..you can choose now what kind of category you want like livingroom and so...   i hope i was a help if you have any questions feel free to ask me\:\) i will do my best\:D i wish you a amazing sunday and a wonderful and relaxing new week!! *kissesandhugs*\:rah\:\:wub\: ciao ciao Philip\:wub\:

fatanasovJun 24, 2010

hey there 2 crazy sis girls, whats up?  hey if i send u thhis message its becuz u 2 told me how to download from sites that i couldnt before and that really helped me but what i hate is that there are sometimes downloads in zip arent like the sims 3 diamond or somethin like that but they are like pages with the 4 squares colourd from windows. what really bugs me is that when that happens i cant download that content like simpossible floating stairs and the glass framed window   or   the mango sims   big dresser and 1 of their toilets so i know uve got the stairs and the window from simpossible downloaded so u may know whats wrong cuz when i download from simpossible simcredible and blah blah.... i chose sims3pack and maybe it has somethin to do with that AND ALSO i use winrar and winzip ( i just downloaded winzip) and the other thing i want to ask u is when i go to simcredible designs on the site, i can only see the new thing that came out and the newest stuff so how can i see the other contents like living rooms or bedrooms or bathrooms hope ull help me another time xoxo from france THANKS A LOT U 2 x) 

PralinesimsJun 19, 2010

Thank you philip\:\) you´re welcome\:\) have a nice weekend\:D see you bye bye *KISSES*

PralinesimsJun 16, 2010

Hi Philip\:D here is the link for the monkey installer: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=344611   (you need to register) you just have to install the programm ..then unpack the winrar file\:\) just click on it !thats it\:\)  good to hear you can download objects from the sites\:\) the´re are so many donation objects at simcredible ,you need to pay for them then you can download it lol\:\)  The patterns arent shining his is just a photoshop effect...but there is a site called sunhairsims they made reflective floors\:\) here is the link  http://www.sunhairsimscreations.com/forum/showthread.php?57-transparent...   i hope i was a help\:\) i use objects from desdrensims and litsims3stuff\:\)  http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post_18.html  and  http://desdren.blogspot.com/  they have amazing objects\:\) i wish you a awesome day and a wonderful week!

fatanasovJun 9, 2010

goood blesses uu ehh... yeah  I FINALLY MADE IT i downloaded from the sites but i cant from simpossible + theres a bathrooms at simcredible i cant download =(  BTW thanks u soooo much                                                                

fatanasovJun 8, 2010

oh thak you but where can i download mokey helper and i got winrar but it says u need to buy it so i dont really know about it cuz its realy easy with tsr cuz all u do is download it and thats all  BTW u can make the houses on the sims 3 ohh and if u can just send me the links on tsr cuz im kind of a jerk with the programs  hehehe =)   thanks a lot  have a nice week

PralinesimsJun 7, 2010

hello Philip\:\) thank you for commenting my gallery\:D i would love to create them but i dont have the money to build these houses hahaha\:\) i wish you a awesome day and a great week.i just saw you need help (get downloads from simpossible)  you cant make anything wrong if you download all the build objects from simpossible. you only have to click the download button and extract the file to your desktop...then you need just to install the files into the game..do you have the monkey installer?? it installs package downloads into your game,maybe you have to download the programm\:\) if you have any questions feel free to ask and contact me i will help you\:D i wish you a wonderful day and a amazing and sunny week\:rah\:\:rah\:\:wub\:

fatanasovJun 1, 2010

yeahOMG they r awesome =) and i know a already asked you but can u pls help me download from stylishsims and simpossible pls  i dont know how to because everytime i click download it does to winrar and when i open it and extract the files it says somethin  or theres anoter thing to do is to donate so its ok for stylishsims but for simpossible i dont know how to... =(  and i hope u can help me=)   thank you and i wish you a perfect day

PralinesimsMay 31, 2010

Hello \:rah\:\:rah\:\:rah\: thank you for your cute words you left in my guestbook\:\) you´re welcome\:D today i found another great site with wonderful worlds here is the link http://www.simposium.de/  i wish you a amazing day and a super-great week!\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

PralinesimsMay 30, 2010

The lot is in a downloaded world its called BabohaBay islands\:\) here is the link:  http://mysims3blog.blogspot.com/2010/05/babohabay-islands-by-melli3.html   if you have questions feel free to contact me\:D see you ciao ciao\:\)

PralinesimsMay 30, 2010

an architect? that sounds good\:\) i´d love to be an interior designer *DREAM*! Thank you for beeing so nice to me\:D Have an awesome day sweetie*hugyou*

PralinesimsMay 29, 2010

wow 5 minutes to get to germany? this is really cool!  i love paris (ive never been there but when i look at pictures...oh my.... amazing! its so romantic! i wish you a awesome day and a super-great weekend!\:wub\:\:D

PralinesimsMay 27, 2010

hahah i think you parents are really cool\:cool\: you are so funny\:D i have never been to a casino\:\) i wish you a wonderful day and a great week\:D greetings from germany\:wub\:\:wub\:

PralinesimsMay 24, 2010

oh wow...they lost 3000?? omg that sucks! thank you for commenting my monaco lot\:\) have a nice day\:rah\:

PralinesimsMay 20, 2010

Hi\:\) i use all the build objects from simpossible and the furniture (all) from stylistsims.. here are the websites\:\)   i wish you a nice week and a happy day\:rah\: http://www.stylistsims.net/sims3/index.html              http://www.simpossible.net/

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