foxybaby3 (672528)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (236 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Funky Pooh Nursery & Bedding...
Published Nov 3, 2006
About Me
Am 38yrs old living in the countryside of Scotland with my husband and 2 cats-Fox & Molly. I love recolouring nurseries & toddler clothes and a few maternity clothes.
**Wee update. I still recolour nurseries and toddler & childrens clothes, but on my Tumblr page (FoxybabySims). Fox & Molly are now waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge since 2014/15. We do have 2 new fur babies, Sunny & Luna, and two legged non-fur baby (now 7yr old), called Skylar. I am determined she will play the Sims but she is resisting haha!
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SIMcredible!Jul 02, 2020
Hey! Nice to hear from you again
I asked about the X-Files show because I remember Mulder had a fish called Molly He mentioned his fish here and there Sorry to hear they both passed, I know how it hurts since my furry boy passed too. 2 and a half years ago and I still miss him ♥
Anyway, hope you, your husband, Skylar and your 2 new furry kids are OK and healthy!
Happy simming ♥
greyzonesimsJun 14, 2020
Thank you so much for the sweet comment!
S-ClubApr 09, 2020
Thank you!