fruitdrop1 (1571147)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Rainbow Vase
Published Oct 11, 2007
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BeOSBoxBoyMay 23, 2007
Thank you for your wonderful comment on my Drow Black Genetic Skin Tone, I am happy you like it, it is my favourite of the many I have made I will be posting more stuff this Summer (maybe not more skin tones - they are a LOT of work >_< ) and I hope you like them also. Until then, have fun and keep Simming! Yakov.
laivine_erunyauveApr 09, 2007
Well, once you download the file from the site it'll probably appear on your Desktop in a zipped (compressed) folder. Extract the file from it (right click and go 'Extract All' or 'Extract here' or similar), and then cut and paste this file into your Downloads folder. The Downloads folder on your computer will probably be in My Documents/EA Games/Sims 2. Once you've done that it should show up in your game. Good luck!
BadKittieApr 08, 2007
Hmm... Well if it's not showing up you might try re-downloading it and reinstalling it into your game. If you have a lot of CC there may be some kind of conflict (though I've never heard of others having conflicts with this skin). You can try downloading a full sim I made with this skintone from my simpage: (but you MUST have Family Fun installed for that sim to show up). The skintone that you download from here doesn't have any EP/SP requirements though. Hopefully you can get it working!