gabsterart (5975375)
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PelineldisFeb 08, 2021
Hi gabsterat! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Check Collar Dress.❤ I'm glad you like it.
soloriyaMar 15, 2017
thank you!
murfeelSep 30, 2014
Hi! Thanks so much for the massive compliment you left on my GB! (Welcome to TSR! ^0^) I think any start is a great start -- Editting EA stuff is a great place to practice -- mess with the textures and the meshes and tweak till you feel comfortable with TSRW; it's a great tool but confusing at times. It really just takes a lot of time and a lot of Pepsi -- I've been simming for years and barely made any improvements till I started reading through all of the tutorials at TSR and MTS, and going to the forums screaming for help. Keep it up! And happy simming!