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galilea's Blog

Old Boston Lot 4

So sorry! I forgot to put Lot 4 in my blog! It is ready to go but ... Lots 4 and 5 seem to be stuck in 'Pending' right now. I don't know what the problem is ... but it might be due to Retro Week. Maybe there are tons of uploads happening right now. Anyway ... you'll see lots 4 & 5 for download at some point. I hope ...

Old Boston Lot 5

Yes, here be another one! I think this might be the last one for this series, although I do have a part of another house built. I'll see how it goes.

Old/New Poll ...

I decided to add a new poll since the old one for furnished and unfurnished houses was making me crazy and I couldn't determine what to do about furnishing lots it was pretty well divided equally to furnish and not furnish . . . so let's try this new one to help me with the direction I am going to go ... Thank you for your input!!!

Old Boston Lot 3

This is a sweet one! Two things to note .... There were 2 things I could not get packaged with the lot .... 1) You will have to download the Seaview Wall Mounted Lounge Set at Holy Simoly, link is provided on download page .... 2) I could not get the rugs shown in the preview shots to package. The mesh is by Nengi65 at The Sims Crossing, he also has some great recolors ... and the one recolor shown upstairs in the bedroom is mine, just find my Cottage Rag Rugs here at TSR The link to the rug mesh is on that page as well. I hope your Sims will enjoy this house!!!

Old Boston Lot 2

Tested, packaged and ready to go. I am trying to add other creator's items to decorate the homes. I have found so many interesting items I can't resist putting one or 2 in my lots. For CC on these lots you can always check the 'Installation Instructions' for full credits with URL's. I really do try to give credit where credit is due as a thank you to these wonderfull artists! Old Boston Lot 3 is almost ready ... still in the testing stage but I should be submitting it maybe, tomorrow. I sure love that lot!!!

Old Boston Lot 1

I have finally gotten this lot packaged and ready to go. Most of the furnishings are Maxis items and only a little bit of custom content. This house is fully furnished and ready to move in! I am finished with 2 more lots ... just have the testing and packaging to do ... but here are some pix for lots 2 and 3 .... Old Boston Lot 2 Old Boston Lot 3 Lot 3 is so far, my favorite of this series. It is for a single Sims but could easily be converted into a place for 2 Sims. Personally I would love to live in this house, lol! Here is a view of the bedroom ...

Old Boston Project

Now that my vacation is (finally) here I am beginning to feel more creative than I have in the last 2-3 months. I have started a new housing project called 'Old Boston'. I have already created a couple of lots but can't decide if I should furnish them or not. I put up a survey to help me decide. If you have the time please, please take the survey and besides you'll earn (I believe) 25 kudos! What could be easier? Now for this series of lots ... don't expect 'bricky' Boston homes. I am going with the 'clapboard' look since these houses are close to the harbor (remember the Boston Tea Party?) and I want them to have seaside appeal. Some of the houses will be a bit weathered ... but some will also be refurbished for those new, wealthier Sims moving into the area. For a peek ... see below ...

Oriental Delight Sets

I wanted to work with some really, really bright colors and came up with these sets. Six dazzling walls, beddings, wall hangings, and carpets that are easy to mix for some bold combinations. If you have a need for drama and color in your decor, these sets might just be for you! Bedding Wall Hangings: The blue wall in the background is by Julimonde at Her use of color is absolutely fantastic and if you like unique, dazzling colors and interesting color concepts you might want to take a look at her site. Walls Carpet Sample Room

A Poor Man's Cross Set

We are talking very plain design here. This will be my first public 'meshing' project, so please don't expect any bangs and whistles or dazzling construction. This took me a very long time ... and yet it is such a simple design ... just 2 boxes hooked together and colored. I think I made this cross at least 2 dozen times before I got the size I wanted. Meshing is a whole other world in which I stepped into. My hope now is that I actually uploaded correctly, lol! Here is a pix of the cross in a church setting. It's that tiny thing on the wall above the font, lol!!!

Thatcher Cottage

Just a simple little country dwelling. I was practicing doing the barn-look roof using Nohan's great tutorial over at The Sims Crossing and I liked how the house turned out so I added all the necessary things and decided to upload it. I have been busy trying to learn how to mesh. I know it is very late in the game to start with this since Sims3 will be out in a year ... but I feel I need to at least give it one more shot. I am not quite sure if meshing agrees with me or not. Can't seem to find too many tutorials with the details I need. But I will keep at it .... Have a good week!!!

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Old Boston Lot 4 Old Boston Lot 5 Old/New Poll ... Old Boston Lot 3 Old Boston Lot 2 Old Boston Lot 1 Old Boston Project Oriental Delight Sets A Poor Man's Cross Set Thatcher Cottage
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