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galilea's Blog

St. Trinian's Chapel

It really isn't a chapel anymore but was converted into a barn by Ma & Pa Kettle (and if you are familiar with these old movie characters, you know this lot is going to be a mess). I believe this dwelling would be considered a real 'fixer-upper', lol! I am having trouble uploading it ... so it could be a few days before you actually see a file for it. Don't know if the upload problem is mine or TSR, but I did send a support request to the powers-that-be. But until then I do have some preview pix for you ....

Last Survey

Oh! Thank you, thank you for taking that last survey on ideal lot/house sizes. It really does help to know what you want. And as I was doing the current survey ... I did have 3 questions ... but at the time I couldn't remember what the third question was (still can't remember) so I put a HP riddle in. The correct answer is: Dudley Dursley, if you want to know. I don't know if the correct answer shows automatically or not(?????) after you take the survey. And remember ... you get 25 kudos for taking surveys ... cool.

And I hope you like my new banner & avatar ... and no that is not me (don't I wish) ... I happen to be blonde and blue-eyed ... and not pointy eared (much to my disappointment. . . but I do have 3 piercings in each ear if that counts for anything, lol!).

Belle Briar Cottage

Excellent cottage for a growing family. 3 bedrooms plus room to add on if needed. On this lot, I did not leave room for a driveway. I know I usually do ... but I started building and by the time I remembered to place the driveway ... it was too late. I would have had to tear down half the house. Sorry! And one last thing ... the exterior walls texture matches Farmer Thompson's Wall in the Seasons EP. I know in the photos the wall texture appears not to match ... but in the game ... it is right on. Pix for you ... And I am still working on that large community lot for Bannoch Village ... maybe by this weekend I will have it complete and ready for upload ...

Survey & News

Thanks to all who voted on the Community Lot survey. I am currently working on a larger community lot for Bannoch Village (more shopping selection) and it is going to take me a while to put it together ... but it will be done!!

Also, I just wanted to mention that my upcoming Harper Quine lots have a 'new' animated ladder (by Marvine at MTS2) in them. Fantastic! Your Sims will actually climb the ladder rung-by-rung. The animation is so real and fun to watch! Marvine granted me permission to use her ladder in my lots and I can't tell you how delighted I am.

I hope you enjoy her ladder as much as I do!!

Harper Quine's Cottage

No this is not a Bannoch Village cottage. I felt the need to work with some different textures .... and so this little cottage is the result. There are 2 different lots, one furnished and one unfurnished. If you have been using any of my cottages ... you most likely have all the deco shown to fit this cottage out anyway, so if you are concerned with file size, the unfurnished lot will be good for you. Note: I pulled these 2 lots to change 2 things ... 1) I added Marvine's (MTS2) "Ladder with Custom Animation", it is absolutely fabulous!!! The Sims actually climbs it rung-by-rung. Marvine was kind enough to allow me to use her ladder in my lots ... and I can't thank her enough! Wait till you see it in action! Very cool! 2) I wasn't happy with the flooring in the 'shed' so I added a couple of new flooring tiles (with dirt on them) to make it look more .... hmm ... rustic??.... Here are some pix of the furnished model with some notes: I borrowed the name for this cottage from a medieval murder mystery I read this summer, "The Harper's Quine". I liked the name ... and thought it would be a good one for a cottage. The book was excellent by the way ... There are actually 2 fireplaces here. I used Mia86's 'Fireplace with no Chimney' and using the 'moveobjects on' cheat, I placed Jasmine's large stone fireplace over it. It is functional and it might need a smoke alarm placed in the room. Not sure on this. Now doesn't the flooring look better, lol!

Wizengamot Wallpaper Set

More walls ... these are all new walls and I have not used them in any of the Bannoch Village lots. I just thought maybe a few of you would like this set just to be able to have a larger selection for your decorating needs other than the wallcoverings I use in the cottages. Talk about a l-o-n-g sentence there. Well, here are the walls . . . Gjeez! . . . long sentences and giant pictures ... what is wrong with me tonight, lol!

Bannoch Village: The Jolly Brooms Pub

Yes, it is true! This is my very first community lot! Be kind now .... it is a bit different than building a residential lot ... and I am learning as I go. I thought I would start with a 'pub' because what is a village without a 'pub'(?)! A special thanks to cat3cm (here at TSR) for creating such a great 'saloon bar mirror' .... I already had the lot finished ... but I spotted her mirror and knew I had to have it in The Jolly Brooms ... it is so perfect. I did have to recolor it to match all the old wood in the pub ... and I hope the recolor does justice to her wonderful mesh. You might want to check out her other items in her Western Saloon Set ( ... wonderful things ... and take a look at her lamps in the set ... nice, very nice! More community lots will be coming .... I hope I get better at them, lol! The Jolly Brooms Pub . . .

Bannoch Village: Goblin Cottage

Large, large cottage on a small lot. Great for a big family .... at least 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Still plenty of room to add on if needed! I was able to finish this lot on and off between my reading of the latest Harry Potter book (The Deathly Hallows) ... I am only half way through the book and I am enjoying it so much. It hasn't hit me yet that this will be the last book in the series ... And ... I see that I must start planning some community lots ... I thank everyone who has taken my latest survey ... it does help to know what you want! I, of course, am one of those that 'cheat', so I really haven't thought too much about community lots ... but I will now. Goblin Cottage ....

Bannoch Village: Wilkie Cottage

I forgot I had this cottage in my building neighborhood ... and finally finished it off. You will find this cottage to have lots of weedy looking plants about. You may want to hire a gardner ... or just dispose of a few...

Bannoch Village: Chloe Cottage

A very small cottage. Simple design but has some nice new wallcoverings. This might be the last in this series for a while. I have been working on some new designs for a possible new series of lots. The progress is going very slow since I am trying (*sighs*) to master some new skills and techniques which involve bridges. So please be patient. Chloe Cottage (named in honor of my new Papillon puppy. Chloe at 11 weeks is keeping me very busy, too! She's a little firecracker!)...

Latest Headlines

St. Trinian's Chapel Last Survey Belle Briar Cottage Survey & News Harper Quine's Cottage Wizengamot Wallpaper Set Bannoch Village: The Jolly... Bannoch Village: Goblin Cottage Bannoch Village: Wilkie Cottage Bannoch Village: Chloe Cottage
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