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Fine Portraits

I nice selection of multiple painting to cover that troubling, blank wall. Mesh is by justmoi at MTS2. I just love all her paintings! Now before someone (most likely an art historian), throws up a red flag about these portraits ...not all the paintings are by John Singleton Copley ... I think there are only 2 that cannot be attributed to this artist .... I just liked them and threw them in the batch. Hope someone out there can find a use for these! Here are a couple pix with paintings on different wallcoverings...

Medieval Fairytale Wall Set

I used some of these walls in Boothby Cottage. I decided to rework the images a bit and added one new wall ... so if you want a complete 'matching' set of walls, you will need to download this batch. Boothby Cottage's wall are a bit different and will not match this set. Sorry, I didn't think ahead, but just on a whim decided to make a special set. Bad girl! I know the 'towers' appear to slant a bit ... but they really don't in the game. The angle lens of the camera has distorted the perspective a bit. Bad camera!

Bannoch Village: Boothby Cottage

This cottage will hold a larger family. Two of the rooms I have left unfurnished for your individual needs. Maybe you'll need a nursery or a game room? Backyard is large and only has a couple of trees, so there is pleanty of room to add a greenhouse, pool or pond. A few pix for you!

Wizard Lamps and more Wizard Lamps!

Plain or fancy ... these table oil lamps will add a touch of charm to your Sims dwellings. I found the meshes over at Avenida Sims and I set to work recoloring them ... I also wanted them for my game! If you like these kinds of lamps (old and quaint looking), DOT here at TSR has a few very cool ones. I know one is named Reflector Oil Lamp. You might want to check them out. She has a really nice single candle lamp, too. Pix for you!

Bannoch Village: Gillyweed Cottage

A mid-size cottage on a small lot. I attached a large backyard so you can add perhaps, a greenhouse, pool, play area for kids, pond or anything your Sims might enjoy. You can also add more living space if needed. I had built a nice greenhouse to go on this lot ... but it blew-up the size of the file, so I decided to tear it down before I uploaded the lot. I hope you don't mind, but I do enjoy adding interesting custom content to my houses that I find at various Sims sites. Such as plants, stairs, and I just love Maylin's cauldron/stove over at MTS2. Her stove just fits this theme of houses so well! Like me, I bet your downloads folder is just jammed with custom content. I love downloading a house and then customizing it with my special items that I have gathered from all over the Net. When decorating my lots for TSR, I am restricted (because of file size) putting in all the things I want to. So I hope you are all customizing and tweeking my lots to suit your needs. Oh, how I wish I could upload some of the lots I use in my game ... but no one wants to download a lot that is 32MB, LOL!!! Here are a couple of pix of Gillyweed Cottage:

Bannoch Village: Twining's Cottage

This cottage should be available soon. Nice small cottage but has 4 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms (one is only a half bath) and plenty of room to add on if needed. Area provided for a driveway. Twining's Cottage was originally owned by Thomas Twining, yes, the same Twining of 'tea' fame. His tea was/and is, so good, its' popularity has lasted for hundreds of years. Obviously he was no ordinary muggle. Thomas came from a long line of talented culinary witches and wizards and always infused his secret recipe for tea with magic. Thank you Thomas for the great tea! This is a new stove (by Maylin at MTS2, which I recolored) which I thought was very interesting and very suitable for a wizarding families kitchen. Link will be provided with the cottage when I upload it. I recolored some meshes (fridge/counter/trash compactor) from Sims in Paris, and will provide the link with the cottage.

Bannoch Village: Padfoot Lane

Yes, back to the 'trashed' look with this project!!! It's not my fault, I tell you ... I just happened to see a lovely texture over at .... (slatted boards) ... and I just couldn't resist making an awful house. And Bannoch Village did need an awful house for evil beings. I enjoyed using many items from Cyclonesue's wonderful Urban Renewal series. She makes the best trash ... love those 'Bang on a Can' items and all the rest!!! There are 2 complete dwellings on this lot for 2 seperate families or a group of single Sims. And there is room for a driveway. All you have to do is move the 'junk car', pull out a few plants ... and there it be. It probably would look best with Cyclonesue's Invisible Driveway. It was very hard trying to get the preview shots for this lot because of the size. Truly it looks much better in the game and the part I like the best is the alley. It reminds me of some of the alleys in the city where I live ... and as in Bannoch Village ... you don't want to be down there at night!

Bannoch Village: Quille Cottage

Very small, one bedroom cottage with bathroom facility outside (but there are bushes for privacy ... and a nice overhang (vordach2) to keep the rain and snow off your Sims, when nature calls. Windows have a very unusual, custom awning (by Crocobaura at MTS2), who graciously allowed me to recolor them for this cottage. This is a small, long lot with plenty of room to add a driveway or additional living space. The house was suddenly abandoned, and has been tidied for a new owner. Quille the Hag has apparated, and no one knows exactly where she is at this time. Bannoch Village will not miss her or her one-toothed smile. She was a cranky old thing.

Bannoch Village: Joliffe Cottage

This is a big one, no dinkie cottage here! Very spacious, 4 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms. Very nice for a large family. Roof is not as 'pointy' as other Bannoch Village cottages because of the way the roof lies. And thank you to all who took my 'Expansion Pack' Survey! I was trying to decide if I should install the Seasons EP. I have decided not to (at least for now). I don't know about anybody else, but I am finding it harder and harder to download other people's lots ... so many EP's are sometimes needed. Since I build lots for TSR ... I thought I would kept my houses simple and use only OFB/UNI/NL. And one last thingy ... I use Kate's (Parsimonious) 'Eponymous Garden' plants often in my lots. Recently she updated all her plants. They are the same plants but more compact, smaller and look marvelous. If you have her old Eponymous files ... you might consider redownloading her newer version and deleting the old ones.

Bannoch Village: Blackberry Cottage

Paris Blackberry, a notable partying witch in Bannoch Village recently renovated this old, dusty stable into a cozy, small family dwelling. There are no full-sized walls in the interior of this cottage, but Paris (creative girl that she is), decided to use the old horse stalls to partion-off the rooms. Interesting concept and adds charm. The outside walls are all unfinished thatch and prone to bugs and mice. But what's a few critters when all this can be yours for under $20,000! Alas, poor Paris has had to vacate this lovely cottage for more spartan lodgings but she is hopeful that some nice wizarding family will soon purchase Blackberry Cottage.

Latest Headlines

Fine Portraits Medieval Fairytale Wall Set Bannoch Village: Boothby Cottage Wizard Lamps and more Wizard Lamps! Bannoch Village: Gillyweed Cottage Bannoch Village: Twining's Cottage Bannoch Village: Padfoot Lane Bannoch Village: Quille Cottage Bannoch Village: Joliffe Cottage Bannoch Village: Blackberry Cottage
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