galilea's Blog
Bannoch Village: Lockett Cottage
Another small cottage, suitable for a family of three. Plenty of room for you to add on rooms, if needed. Also, this cottage is packaged with a Maxis roof. You can use either the Wizard Roofing I created or Cyclonesue and Tiko have some other wonderful 'thatch' roofs that would look good, too! Your choice!!

Wizard Roofing!!
A bit of a problem here. On the houses I will be submitting for the Bannoch Village series, (at least for a while) ... the original roofing for these houses will have to be downloaded separately. For some unknown reason (at this time) I cannot get my custom roof recolor into the packaged lot. I have tried everything this past weekend but with no luck. So if you download Harrow Cottage (and future cottages) ... it's going to have a regular Maxis roof *curses and spits 3 times*. The 'Wizard Roofing' is coming soon ... I just uploaded it ... and it will be available on May 17. And it does make a difference in the appearance of the cottage(s). I am so sorry ... never had this problem before ... and will continue to hunt for a solution (so frustrating *curses and spits*, again)! And Francien & Elven Ranger! ... I truly hope you like Harrow Cottage ... it looks much better in the game than the preview pictures. Pictures are a little too dark and make the green siding look icky ... but really the siding is nice.
Harrow Cottage
The first cottage in the Bannoch Village series! It always seems I start with smaller lots first ... just easier to manage I think ... but the lots will get bigger (family-sized) as this community evolves. Please note that it is my belief that 'wizarding' folk do not have much decorating sense (Have you seen the Weasley family's house in the HP movie (?), oh lord, nothing matches, but I found it most comfortable-looking), so you may find odd colored walls and furniture. That's wizarding-folk for you!!! Here are 2 pix for a peek at Harrow Cottage ... must go now and test out the next house ... Lockett Cottage ... and trust me Balthazar Lockett may be a fantastic wizard ... but his decorating skills are way off, lol!

Bannoch Village Project
Well I'll be starting a rather large project this week. Bannoch Village will not be your ordinary village ... but an entirely 'wizarding' village. Loosely based on Hogsmeade, (that 'all' wizarding village in the Harry Potter series). Hogsmeade has already been done ... so I thought I would do my own version of a magical community. Hopefully, there will be many houses to fill an entire neighborhood ... that is my goal. The houses will be half timbered dwellings, with their own unique design, but sharing similar exterior walls. I have already created the exterior and some interior wallcoverings ... just a few bugs to work out on landscaping and fireplaces (yes, fireplaces). Some of the cottages will be nice ... and some rather shabby (you know how I love that) ... so in a week or so ... you might see those cottages start rolling in here at TSR! Wish me luck and hope the creative flow, flows!!!
Happy Trails Resort
A bit rundown (a bit?) ... but can be refurbished. Perfect for those troublesome old folk who need a quiet setting. Long narrow lot with main housing/kitchen, 3 private cabins, loft bedroom for a caretaker, a large communal bathroom for your Sims needs, and 2 areas to place driveways (invisible, works best). Fully furnished with recreation items included.

Peregrine's Moonshine Quilts
A nice, large selection (10) of handmade quilts. Nothing flashy .... just down home comfort for those nippy nights. Looks best on double beds.
To Furnish or Not to Furnish Survey
Thank you to all who voted on this survey. The results were that about 50% wanted furnish and 40% were for unfurnished, with 10% wanting partial furnished lots. I'll see what I can do to make everyone happy! Thank you again!'Bad to the Bone' Boarding House
I must admit that the inspiration for this lot did come from George Thorogood's song "Bad to the Bone', lol! Every time I hear it, it makes me smile ... I'm not sure I really like it ... but it's such an odd song. This lot contains much concrete, chipped paint, cracked and moldy walls. And I am sure you are thinking, "How lovely", lol! But maybe there are one or two of you out there that really needs this for your game ... okay maybe only one person ... so this trashed house is just for you! The house is best played to the side ... those blasted gates in front are necessary for the 'look', but makes Sims' activities difficult to see ... *hangs head*, so sorry.

Coulee Swamp Houses - Update
I have updated the link for the 'Eponymous Garden' by Kate at Parsimonious on each house in this series, that have her fantastic plants in them. If you already have the house ... but the plants are missing, you can download her garden at this link: special 'thank you' to Kate for letting me know! I sure missed those plants of hers .... what a difference they make in landscaping!!!!
Moon Glenn Cottage
Now ... no 'tsk,tsking' me! This is a 'nice' cottage, with clipped hedges, neat and tidy ... okay, I couldn't resist putting a few worn and faded wallpapers in, but restained myself from trashing it completely. To keep the cost of the lot down ... I did use the cheapest (and ugliest) kitchen appliances, so I am sure you have something much nicer in your downloads to replace those ghastly things.