gemmc (448293)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (72 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

03 Warson Street
Published Jun 2, 2007
About Me
Hello Everyone,
Let me introduce myself, I am 25 years old and work in education. My interests include Art & design, reading, IT, Property and spending time with my lovely husband of almost a year. Who now, I must mention, thinks I am a bit of a nerd due to TSR!
I have been coming on this site for about 3 years, downloading at first and now creating. My main interest has been creating houses, but after lots of research and use of fantastic member tutorials, I have also starting re-colouring objects. They are very basic at the moment, but hopefully with time as good as the many talented artists on this site!
Thanks for reading my Profile. Gemmc
My Latest Updates Show All
Sneak Preview - 2 new lots - 30/05/07Written May 30, 2007
Sneak Preview ...More
Newton VillaWritten May 18, 2007
Sneak preview! ...More
Evergreen Close Written May 10, 2007
This is a preview of my next up and coming lot! Hope you like!! I have tried to please everyone by taking the feedback from my recent poll, as the majority of people wanted : 2floors, 3bedrooms, 3bathrooms, unfurnished with garage and swimming pool! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJan 03, 2009
I love your lots You did an amazing job on them Thanks for all the work and for sharing them
Patka from PolandMar 16, 2008
I want to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY
BeOSBoxBoyDec 21, 2007
С Рождеством Христовым и С наступающим Новым Годом !
Happiest of Holidays and Best of New Years! -- Яша