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gheeghaa's Guestbook

KiyanayahMar 27, 2010

Looks like you had quite a reputation around here. So long.

sallyhailsNov 10, 2008

Yeah moving house can be stressfull, because of my husbands job we move house every 2 years or so, it can be a big headache.\:o Are you all settled in now? Have you moved somewhere nice or just to a bigger house?\:D Nosey ain't I?\:P \:P

sallyhailsNov 5, 2008

Hiya I was just thinking about you the other day, where you been? I've not visited the site for a few weeks either. How are you?\:D \:D

TrailRunner782Aug 18, 2008

How dare I what? Who are you?

sallyhailsJul 26, 2008

Hiya you click onto the submit tab at the top of the screen and then onto submit sims 2 creations and the fellow the screens, it's pretty self explanitory however if you get stuck Atwa did a tutorial on how to submit things to tsr, take a look at it as it's quite a longwinded process, too long to go through in your GB\;\)

sallyhailsJul 25, 2008

No probs\:D

sallyhailsJul 24, 2008

Hiya the best place to get info on creating for the sims is to read some of the tutorials on this site, thats where i started, you can find them under content/sims2tutorials, also you will need a few other programs, you can make clothes etc with Bodyshop which comes with the game but you will need a meshing program to make new meshes. To make walls and floors you will need the sims 2 homecrafter plus, you can find that at the official site and to recolour objects you need SimPE, you can find the link for the SimPE site on this site under contents/programs, again to make new meshes you will need a meshing program, I have no idea which ones are best as I haven't tried meshing yet. The best place to start is to look at the many tutorials on this site and other sites, there's a lot of good information out there and people are more than willing to help, anymore questions you have or any problems you have fell free to ask and I will try and help as best as I can or pass you on to someone who can help better. \:D

sallyhailsJul 22, 2008

Yes I like that song, yes I watch The simpsons and yes I used to watch Eastenders, in fact I loved watching Eastenders but they don't show it where I live now so I have to go without it for the next 2 years\:\(

Basic....For SimsJul 21, 2008

Goodbye and you're welcome.

Chuck66Jul 16, 2008

i never said i was full born irish, u assumed that. I was born in america but my mom is full irish and my dad ispartly. so if it makes u feel better then im irish american or whtever. \:rah\:

Chuck66Jul 16, 2008

im frightened too, cuz one day i woke up and some random person told me i wasnt irish at all... the world doesnt make sense anymore to me.. \:confused\:

sallyhailsJul 12, 2008

I'm glad you like OFB, I do too! Why don't you ask Shakeshaft or Cyclonesue to make a satalite dish for you? I've never made a custom mesh, which is what would have to be done for the dish, again I wouldn't know where to start\:\( Sorry

Chuck66Jul 10, 2008

Im irish too \:D \:rah\:

sallyhailsJul 8, 2008

Sorry I don't make sims at all, I wouldn't know where to begin, why don't you try Jirka or Chazdesigns, they might make a famous sim for you if you ask\:\)

sallyhailsJul 8, 2008

Hooray you found something of mine you liked\:P Thanks for your nice comment on my house 12 Burhma Avenue, I'm really glad you like it\:D Have fun\;\) Sally\:rah\:

sallyhailsJul 7, 2008

Sorry you had a fight with your girlfriend\:\( I'm sure you'll make up

sallyhailsJul 7, 2008

I'm fine thank I'm sorry you don't like my Gingerbread living room curtains, to be perfectly honest I wouldn't have them hanging in my RL living room either, lol\;\) Guess you don't like any of my creations huh? Never mind I'm sure there's plenty of other creators on this site who's stuff you might like, we can't please everyone. Have a nice day\:\) Sally

estaticaJul 2, 2008

gheeghaa, I stick to what I said earlier, and I would say this to any friend of mine if they started to behave like you did. That's what friends are supposed to do, they are honest with you in all situations, even when you are being unfair and nasty to others. Personally, I don't know Sally or you, but the only nasty comments I saw were yours, so I had to make that statement. I'm sad that you are leaving because of this, I do hope you come back some day! Just remember, as long as you respect others, you will be always welcome here \:\)

cariadbachJul 2, 2008

You asked the question What is a Troll, this is the answer -An Internet troll, is someone who posts controversial messages in an online community with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion- I'm sure thats not you It makes me sad to read all this on your page. Sally is one of the nicest people here on TSR so I think you are being very unfair. Its supposed to be fun coming here, but it seems as if you have upset a few people, perhaps its not too late to make amends. My gran used to say to me " If you cant say anything nice don't say anything at all" Good advice I thought. Chill out and lets do what we are supposed to do when we come on this site and play Sims HAVE FUN \:\)

qvisnJul 2, 2008

Im sorry but this cant go on, i have reported you myself. Its a shame you cant get on with some people here, we are a great team and all friends, you could be part of this if you would put things right.\:D

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