graygoblin (2695528)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (25 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Gray Goblin's Bird House
Published Nov 29, 2010
About Me
The only gray goblin in a large family of green goblins (and a few greenish-brown goblins), I was often scolded as a child for my non-goblin behavior and generally being crap at everything a self-respecting goblin should do. I was useless with an axe, hated brawling and pillaging and, no matter how hard I tried, could not crack skulls with a club even when facing a less formidable foe like chickens.
On the other hand, throughout my life I passed the phases of composing music, creating comic books, writing poetry and novels (well, they were envisaged as novels but ended up as unfinished short stories), doing photography and engaging in various other creative activities, which allowed me to avoid seeing the faces of other goblins (and some of their other body parts better not mentioned here). Needless to say, I was as crap in all these activities as only a goblin can be.
Building lots for Sims 3 is the latest, but surely not the last, phase in my eternal search for the ultimate time-wasting experience. Thus, enjoy my creations while you can (and if you can), because soon I'll be off to building origami, staging ballets, designing tatoos or developing large-scale distributed enterprise resource management solutions.
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2freddieNov 21, 2010
OH and by the way... had ot book mark you so I dont miss any of your releases.. hugs!
2freddieNov 21, 2010
wow gray! I just found your page after viewing your "troll bridge" lot.. so glad I came to your page. Your work is unique and absolutely different. Keep them coming! Im amazed at how you have created such great homes and such intresting designs.. Your intro is great by the way. The "bad taste" lot is amazing work. LOVE IT!!
DaeldaApr 19, 2010
Very nice houses. You have an interesting bio. I'll have to take a look at more of your stuff.