![Sims 3 — Candy Cupcake Swirly Patterns - Baby Cakes by hannah90 — Hello! This is my first ever submission so please don't](/scaled/1473/w-600h-450-1473315.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
Hello! This is my first ever submission so please don't be too harsh!
This is BABYCAKES pattern from my set. It has tiny little cupcakes printed all over it and would look great in a retro kitchen. It is recolourable and have used it lots of times with different colours. If you like any of the others they are in seperate sets! Should be back with more patterns very soon!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/969470
ItemID: 969470
Filesize: 101 KB
Please do not re-upload without permission or put me in credits thnx!
- Recolorable Palettes: 3
- TSRAA: No - What's this?
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