hannahbanana1969 (2040970)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Pinewood Acres - Edgewood
Published Jan 19, 2011
About Me
Let's see...I discovered "The Sims" back in 2002 when I was feeling rebellious toward my family, all of whom had their favorite video games and I - wife, mom, full-time employee and returning college student - had NOTHING that even resembled mindless entertainment. So my first game was "The Sims - Deluxe"; I think it came with the original base game and the Livin' Large EP. I was instantly addicted, and have worked my way through every EP and SP for the first game, The Sims 2, and now The Sims 3. It was somewhat difficult early on as I was unable to tear myself away from the computer screen, and nearly didn't finish my senior project in time to graduate and get my bachelor's degree...but I made it, and am now Simming my way through grad school, which I'll finish in 5 months.
Although I started out merely playing story lines, with the latest version of the game I've gotten quite interested in building, which is why I've joined TSR. I'd like to become more involved in the actual creation process, rather than just manipulating what the game provides. I'd also like to try my hand at machinima, and am hoping that this site will provide help and guidance in that area.
On a final note, thanks to everyone who has been so kind to download and comment on my stuff! I'm partial to house building, but am getting ready to get my hand into furniture and fabric design...who knows what will come of that?!
My Latest Updates Show All
Creating a BannerWritten Feb 21, 2011
So, I finally got enough Kudos to buy a banner for my page! After buying it, though, I thought that TSR would give us a variety to choose from and customize...you know, like point and click web design. Nothin' doin' - you're on your own with this one. But what a great opportunity to learn how to really use one's photo editor! I think mine came out pretty well, given... ...More
Meshing - the learning processWritten Jan 24, 2011
OY VAY! Yes, I yelled, in bold, even. I'm working my way through Riccinumbers Object Creation Guide, learning to use Milkshape 3D, UV Mapper, blah, blah, blah, and let me tell you - those Featured Artists deserve every stinking penny they get when we download their stuff! Not that I can't do it, but what a painstaking process meshing is. I'm kind of stuck with UV... ...More
I kind of like little PansyWritten Jan 24, 2011
Because I so lack in general creativity, I usually play the families that come with the game. When I first cracked open Twinbrook, for whatever reason, I started playing the Prudence family. I don't know why; maybe it's because Phoenix, the father, looks like Rowan Atkinson (I might be American, but I LOVE Black Adder !), or maybe it's because I felt sorry for a single dad and... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
mmoblitzNov 14, 2012
Thanks for those nice homes you made. Guessing your not doing them anymore since nothing over the past year.
Thanks again!
matomibotakiMay 10, 2011
Thank you for taking time to leave a nice comment on my -Oriental-Carpets -!
SimsimayApr 08, 2011
Hi Hannah! Thanks for your lovely and kind comment , Have a great weekend!