happyb8888 (736512)
About Me
Hi d Hey! I'm that Happy Chica, Marcia Ellen. I'm a 28 year old desert dawg lesbian from Apache Junction, Arizona. I've got my own take on life, relationships, being lesbian, and the whole experience we call community. I'm fairly transparent and it's my hope that you will be equally transparent when dealing with me. I expect to interact with you on levels that will at times be uncomfortable but always positive. Currently I administrate a poetry site, write two daily OpEd journals, a daily travel journal about my home state of Arizona and serve on the board for NPAC - The Net Poets and Artists Competition. Many of my poems have been published on the Net and I will sometimes use that medium in my articles as the emotions involved dig deeper into the soul than standard literary prose might.
My Guestbook Show All
PenelopeTDec 17, 2008
Thanks so much for the nice comment on my latest part of 'Cassandra's Life'.
eviDec 16, 2008
All my Best Wishes for a Joyous Season and a Very Happy New Year. Merry Christmas happy!
drewsolteszOct 24, 2008
Thanks for reading and commenting on 'Escape From Fort Bravo', it is appreciated! Have a new story posted, "Jeffery's Choice", would be honoured if you read and commented, cheers!