helenawahlberg16 (3315578)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

817 Bartram Boulevard
Published Mar 15, 2011
About Me
I know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams and here I go again on my own.
My Latest Updates Show All
My Community LotsWritten Feb 22, 2011
<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> So far my community lots in Dundalk, Ireland are -Barry Pender Motors(A Car Dealership) -The Cat's Claw Nightclub(A Nightclub) -Good Shepherd Catholic Church(A Church)* -Palmer's Pool And Park(A Combination Of A Pool And Park) -Clybaun Beauty Salon(A Beauty Salon) -Glasnevin Cemetery(A... ...More
Building In The Sims 2Written Feb 21, 2011
So, since I can never come up with any good ideas of my own, I've decided that all of the buildings in my neighborhood will be based(loosely) off of houses built by others simmers. I've been on youtube looking at tutorials of how to build houses. I've gotten some ideas about how to build community lots including a night club that looks like a cat and of course this park/pool which I am working... ...More
Dundalk, IrelandWritten Feb 20, 2011
So now, I've created a new Irish neighborhood called Dundalk, Ireland. I'm taking things a lot slower this time. I'm installing custom content little by little and I'm building all of the community lots myself(based on tutorials found on youtube. lol) instead of downloading them. So far I've built a school, an art gallery, a beauty salon, a church and a graveyard. I've also built some homes.... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
sosliliomDec 08, 2011
micamarianiApr 11, 2011
Thanks for the comments on my all about style creation.. And what can I say, I love some hot sim lol... Have a nice day!!!
micamarianiMar 13, 2011
Hey, thanks for the comment on my country style creation!!! Have a nice day!