hesmylobster2 (688977)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Living on the Ocean...STUNNING!
Published May 20, 2008
About Me
Hi Simmers! There's not much to know, except that I love the Sims! I only submit homes, because I don't know how to make anything else! So for now (till I get some good tutorials) I'll do my best to upload some good lots for you guys! Just trying to give back to all the people I admire on this site who make the hottest custom downloads!
My Guestbook Show All
shakeshaftApr 16, 2007
Hi, thank you for your lovely comments on my creations, they are much appreciated...Happy Simming!! Andrea
catheeApr 12, 2007
Thank you for taking the time to say thank you! I really do appreciate it hun! So glad you liked my creations! Take care....
sesameApr 11, 2007
Hello, and thank you for leaving a comment on my Under The Tuscan Sun wall set, I am very glad you like them P.S. very nice houses here. Happy Simming!!!