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hiedibear75's Blog

This winter and my creating.

This winter has been.....interesting !  I've been finding it difficult to get good restful sleep. :(  I've been using the Sims & some point & click sort of games to help keep my mind busy.  I came up with a few lots that ended up getting bulldozed once I was not all loopy from my meds I wondered what the heck I had been thinking.  BUT I did however come up with a couple of winners!  Once of which is going to be a mansion that I'll have ready very soon.  The winter has been making it much more difficult to create.......I'm looking forward to when spring TRULY gets here.......then I'll hopefully not have such a hard time making things that still look nice but in much lesss time. ;)  I've had ideas out the wazoo for both lots & walls........now I just need to feel good enough to be able to get them done. :P

My MAXIS projects for TS2

I'm pretty sure that just about everyone who plays & decorates and/or builds any lots for themselves or for uploads has been decorating/building with some MAXIS stuff they liked but while doing so wound up thinking "I wish MAXIS had made _______ ".  A bunch of very talented people have made both objects to go with or compliment MAXIS "completer set" "MAXIS add-ons" as well as a few walls.  I've got just about everything I could find to go WITH MAXIS but believe it or not I've found a few areas that I wanted more of or to improve in the wall section.  It started off with me decorating & using a MAXIS wall that I've now made in more colors.......the original is white paint top 1/2 with wood accents at the top middle & bottom & the bottom 1/2 is painted beige, I've made a BUNCH of new colors of it (changed the bottom color & made the $1)......that one is seemingly becoming a never ending project as I keep coming up with more colors of it I'd like to have for my own game. So recoloring that wall in a rainbow of nice colors is project #1.  So then I went & started building again because I wanted a break from making walls, but then I started thinking "darn these are nice tile walls I just wish there was one where tile went all the way up the wall {there are for some walls but not all walls} so now that's MAXIS project #2.  There have already been floors made to go with the walls I like by someone else. (Can't remember how to spell their screen-name but it was something like robbynygirl but that may not be 100% right).  I liked the Los Pescados Del Mar wall & also liked the atomica walls for bathrooms......but I thought they'd look good TOGETHER & I was right! That was a quick project but project #3 none the less.  Then I was building again & while making the 2 story home & while making the hall/stairwell area I was using a paper I like from Seasons when I ended up with "I wish it didn't make that big thick woos strip when the wall is 2 stories tall".  So guess what project #4 is?  Yup It'll be to make wallpaper sets that will be more usefull when making those 2 story and/or vaulted cielings.  So now all I have to do is have my head clear enough to do the uploading process. ;)  I can do the image making portion even when I'm pretty tired and/or drugged (pain meds for chronic pain), the Home-Crafter & CleanPak parts take a few more brain cells, & uploading takes more like at least 1/2 of the available brain cells to be working all at once for the uploading to make sure it/they get uploaded correctly.......when I'm too tired or loopy from my meds I've messed up on the uploading process (MY fault NOT TSR's).  So I'll get thes all made & done as soon as I can. 

Some new walls for TS2

I've been working at making some walls & whenever I think I'm done & go & make more colors of this set.  There is a MAXIS wall that has some wood accents & has a white top 1/2 with a beige lower 1/2.  Well I liked using that wall quite a bit but kept wishing it was offered in more colors.......so......I went & started making a bunch of colors that I like & I hope everyone else likes as well. :)  So far I've made dozens of colors & I'm working on getting them ready for upload. ;) 

Winter SUCKS!

I seriously hate winter.  Cold and/or moisture & I do NOT get along well AT ALL!!!  So thanks to THIS Season I'm not able to create nearly as much as I'd like to.  I don't have a lap top anymore so when I'm not able to stay sitting at my computer no more bringing my computer to bed with me. :(  But I'll still be diong some stuff here & there.  So when ever I'm able to I'll still make some more lots & pets & walls. :)  If I didn't do ANYTHING I'd go nuts. :P  But if anyone notices that posts get looked at but not answered or answered in fairly short form compared to normal.......things will be back to normal once Spring arrives. :)  Until then if anyone is interested in a body swap let me know.......but I think only a masocistic bolimic would be happy with the trade; I'm in pain 24/7 & often it makes me sick to my stomach......they'd LOVE having MY body. :D  LOL

Me & Sims

Oh how I love to create!  I really do love building & making new pets!  OK I'm not that fond of making the packages up......that is not nearly as enjoyable to me as the creating part within the game is.  HOWEVER........I do it because of all the wonderful people who download.  The comments keep me inspired to keep on submitting.  The kudos we get for uploading are a nice way of "payment", but the best payment of all are the wonderful comments I see on my creations.  I got pretty good at making MAXIS look good (yes thats right people "MAXIS can look good") while I was unable to have my game run letalone WITH custom content.  But now even though I am able to have all sorts of cc goodies......I'll still mostly upload in 100% MAXIS ONLY!   I know I could probably get a few more people downloading my lots if I used cc......& I probably will use cc in lots here & there.........but I just think it takes a bit more "imagination" to put together a nice 100% MAXIS lot.  It's just an opinion that it's easier to make lots "sell" with cc than MAXIS.......but I'd rather stick to MAXIS.  My Mom asked if there was any way to "get paid" for making all these lots & pets.......eh not really.  If some day I got to be an SA......OMG that would be SOOO AWESOME!!!  Free TSR membership........BRING IT ON!  BUT as I said before......it's the wonderful comments that keeps me submitting.  If I were doing the building JUST FOR ME.......I'd use what ever cc I like cuz there's no problem using whatever for your own use.  So I guess this is mostly a "thank you" to all of the TSRians who've left me lovely comments & words of encouragement. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

So what did I miss?

A very SIM birthday!

My friend Karen (you guys know her as Karie) made me a birthday cake & made it look like a cake the Sims use to celebrate birthdays with.....AND mine even had a bright green plumbbob on it!


Then the candles were lit.  Wow getting old is brutal.......twice baked cake. LOL

Hooray!!! I have over 30,000+ downloads!

Thank you to the many people who have downloaded my lots & pets. :cool:  I have now been downloaded over 30,000 times! :rah:  Thank you so much! :wub:  The comments have meant so much, & the # of people who have bookmarked & downloaded me still amazes me. :D  Who'da thunk 139 & counting people would want to know what little ol' me was up to. :o  Thanks again. :wub:

Can I scream?!?!?!?

Why me?!?!?  I've got a pretty decent PC as far as parts go & such; my best-friend/roomie/caregiver got me some pretty good parts to upgrade my PC to handle TS2.  TS2 for those who don't know......is pretty much my life (sad as that may sound).  I love building & playing!  I can't play though; after a while of playing I start having the Sims crash on me more & more often.  I can start over in a hood & build til the cows come home.......start playing with the Sims themselves & all of a sudden the game wont run.  I've gone without my precious cc just so I could play again........and apparently it's been for nothing!  I can build with TS2 but TS2 wont let me play with the Sims.  So we put this VERY graphically demanding game into my PC.......darn thing ran just fine!  In fact the sucker looked awesome!  I'm not really into the shoot-em-up kind of games but I don know that if my PC handled THAT like a dream then it shouldn't be my computer's fault.  So BF thinks I may have to think about just going ahead & start playing TS3........rather NOT!  I miss my days of playing........but I didn't want the Sims for wii because they don't look like Sims they look like Mario & Luigi's next door neighbors (aka they look like Mario Bros. to me), & I don't like TS3 Sims either.  So do I just play with TS2, play with TS2 AND suck it up & start the stupid looking TS3 Sims just so I can play WITH Sims?  I just wanted to play with TS2 & maybe get a good portion of my cc back.......was that really so much to ask for?

cc coments

I still can't have custom content yet. :(  But that doesn't mean that I don't still keep my eye out on what everyone is creating......eventually I'm hoping my computer troubles will be over & my game will run right. ;)  But it isn't any of the creators' fault that I don't download......so why should my inability to have cc mean they don't get a pat on the back for a job well done?  So I'll still keep stopping in & commenting on new cc even though I don't get to enjoy it......it's bad enough the creators miss out on me as a downloader. ;)

Latest Headlines

This winter and my creating. My MAXIS projects for TS2 Some new walls for TS2 Winter SUCKS! Me & Sims So what did I miss? A very SIM birthday! Hooray!!! I have over 30,000+... Can I scream?!?!?!? cc coments
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