infohata (1913024)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

FaHaz Villa
Published Dec 17, 2009
About Me
Pick the best, kick the rest, travel more!
My Latest Updates Show All
Stripping EA store contentWritten Jan 29, 2010
Due to lots of requests I have decided to strip EA store content (but not free content) from my creations. I will replace objects with Custom Content from this website OR with default content, might be from Adventures expansion. However, it WILL take time, and don't expect anything before march - I am quite busy until mid-february and 17th leaving to Italy until start of the spring. ...More
Studying!Written Sep 03, 2009
Hello everybody who watch! As of this week I've started my Master studies of Geoinformatics in TKK/Espoo in Finland. I'll be very busy next few years, but I will publish something from time to time, as probably I will not stop building. Currently I'm developing 3 residential lots with issues :) so they are far from ready to be published, but i think they wiill come someday... maybe even all... ...More
Out to LithuaniaWritten Jul 24, 2009
I'm out to Lithuania for 2-3 weeks, not sure for how much exactly. My boat leaves tonight already. I have unfinished and unpublished 4 houses, including DragonQueen's lair, the huge house blogged before, and a few small... I should be back after 5th August and continue building! :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayFeb 12, 2010
I love your lots You did an amazing job on them. Thanks for the work and for sharing Hope you'll keep it up
DragonQueenOct 11, 2009
Oops! That should have read: Drop you a quick note and wish you a Happy Halloween! (That's what I get for typing in the dark and not proofreading before hitting send!)
DragonQueenOct 11, 2009
Just thought I'd drop you a quick not a wish you an early Happy Halloween!