io_didi_baca (1772655)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Flowers and Rivers
Published Aug 26, 2009
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ekinegeNov 30, 2009
Hi! Thank you for your lovely compliment in my guestbook. I'm sorry for late reply. You can sims3pack files move downloads folder. Open the Launcher - downloads tab - select all- and press install. I'm sorry for my English.
LianaaNov 29, 2009
Buna! In primul rand poti sa instalezi totul printr-un singur click - muti filele sims3pack in folderul Downloads si apoi deschizi launcherul, selectezi toate filele din tab-ul downloads si apesi install. Toate filele se vor instala printr-un singur click. Sper ca o sa te ajute!
GosikNov 28, 2009
Hi First of all thank you so much for the nice guestbook note you left me secondly I must admit I don't know a solution to your problem...