iraoli (9234496)
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PhoenixTsukinoMar 13, 2021
For the Baekhyun City Lights posters, I tested the objects in my game and they worked for me. So, I'll see if I can help. Some things you can check: 1) Make sure you have the right mesh. The vertical posters and horizontal posters have separate meshes. So, depending on the one you're trying to use, check and make sure you have the right one. You'll find the mesh you need under the 'Required' tab on the download. 2) Make sure you have the mesh in your mods folder. 3) The horizontal posters require the 'Get to Work' expansion pack. So if you don't have that expansion, the horizontal posters won't work. All the other mods will work with game regardless of what expansion packs you have or even if you don't have any. 4) With the posters, check to see if you have anything hanging on the outside wall. For some reason, if you have certain objects hanging on the outside wall, the game won't allow you to place anything on the inside wall in the same spot. 5) Make sure your game is fully updated. If none of those things correct the problem, try deleting the mesh and mod then redownload them. Sometimes the file might not download correctly because of a glitch from the site. Hope that helps! Let me know if you're still having issues.