j-mn1011 (3004603)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Town House (Modern Collection)
Published Mar 31, 2011
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i actually can't wait for the sims 3 unleased!!!!Written May 30, 2011
yeh i saw the ad on youtube and it said it comes out like october something :/ so not far!!! ...More
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j-mn1011Jun 08, 2012
So guess whos BACK! yeh me, its been a while but i have all new stuff coming out soon, Hope you all enjoy!
MekellSep 03, 2011
I love the way you columns with half walls on top that have flat roofs on them. The problem is, I can't figure out how to make those to save my life! Would you be so kind as to tell me how you make those or point me to a tutorial that can help me learn how to make them? I would be ever so grateful! I love your work!
PralinesimsApr 04, 2011
Thanks so much for commenting!!!!! i use the world los anigeos,you can download it from the exchange
Have a fabulous day!