jadepanther198303 (2371747)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (342 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Animal borders
Published Jan 13, 2012
About Me
I have been playing Sims since the first Sims came out. On Ea and other Sims sites I am known as Jadedcat1983 .
You can find me and my creations at my blog
I build lots and make paintings...I have recently started playing with pattern making...we'll see how that goes.
I use many creator's cc in my lots but special thanks is definitely due to Cyclonesue ,Cashcraft, Shakeshaft, Mutske , riccinumbers and Angela.... I use more of their creations then anyone else.
I have recently started uploading sets of shells to TSR. These are bare bones wall and roof version of completed lots I have uploaded. Anyone is free to use the shells for anything they want. Decorate landscape furnish and stick em back up on TSR. Thats what I made them for ;p
My Guestbook Show All
BeechNutBabyMay 05, 2012
pepper090889Apr 05, 2012
Hola! =]
LilyOfTheValleyMar 18, 2012
Thank you for commenting on my Basic Spiral Stairs for Balcony.