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Created for: The Sims 3
For anyone who gets tired of hundreds of paintings cluttering up their wall art section in game.
Normally you can select a different frame for an image by looking under the available options attached to a painting.
With this collection instead each frame has a different picture. The first frame in the collection is the title image and
will tell you what types of images can be found in that group of paintings.Every other frame will have a different
image with the same theme.You can change the frame color by using CAS.
So to use this collection go under buy mod ....decor...wall art and look for the title image click on it and wait for the
frame options to show up ,choose the specific image you want from the options then change the frame color in CAS. Changing the
frame color using the options will change the image as each frame has a different image.
Contains 5 different images
Short URL:
ItemID: 955062
Revision: 2
Filesize: 339 KB
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