jaedub (3411740)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (87 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Rhose Marie
Published Apr 10, 2011
About Me
Hi every one!I hope you all enjoy my creations,Happy simming!You can also find me at my blog http://jaedubsims3.blogspot.com/
My Latest Updates Show All
I dont miss it....or do I...Written Apr 07, 2011
I have been playing sims for quite a while now and for the longest time it was always my "off" game.I was a hard core World of Warcrafter and when i would get bored waiting for the next big patch i would move on to play sims for a bit.I would build the odd house and make my sims baby machines,never downloaded any custom content cause i didnt know how,lol.But since i discovered the beauty of... ...More
wowWritten Apr 05, 2011
so now my new routine every morning is to go threw all the new stuff here at TSR.Iam so im impressed by all the artists here! There is so much talent,my favorite is looking threw all the lots,iam always so amazed by the creativity and new ideas being put out each and every day.I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you who put in the time and effort to upload all the beautiful... ...More
first blog!!Written Mar 16, 2011
This is my very first blog entry.....so exciting! i never really knew what to write in these things so i never bothered. Iam really hoping someone reads this and helps to point me in the right direction.Im on a japanese kick right now and i really really want a kotatsu table for my sims 3 lots.i found one similar at mod the sims but its just not quite right! found one here at TSR too but its... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsFeb 03, 2012
Hi Thank U so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We wish you an awesome weekend!!! (((HUGS)))
altea127Jan 27, 2012
Hi thank you so much for your comment
tranced25Jan 25, 2012
Helllloooooo!!!!! Thank you SOOOOO much for the support! I really am so happy you like the farmhouse!