jaylyn1986 (798691)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations ( in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ritzy Rambler
Published Jan 20, 2008
About Me
I like the Sims cause its a really fun game. I have been playing the Sims 2 since about 2 days before it came out. For some reason I got it shipped early. I am patiently waiting for the Sims 3, I am already preparing for my new computer.
I'm a normal person so to speak. 22 yrs old, going to school, and I go to Disneyland like 6 times a year. Its great.
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cazaruptJul 25, 2010
Hey there They are real clothes for your sims. I put them on the mannequins as an interesting way of displaying them - I photoshopped them on. I can send you the .sims3pack for the manequinn if you would like.
TMKColorado80909Nov 16, 2006
awesome floor plans great job keep up the good work
Dr. MacabreMay 18, 2005
I have already made one, it's at:
Just scroll down and you will find it. Do you know where I can get more artwork? If you do let me know and I will do more.