jengieinor (7544)
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
Well, I obviously don't look like that! Will upload a real pic real soon!
I am a 20 something college student who enjoys simming to de-stress.
I like to make houses and skins. I hope to submit more creations soon!
(I made my doll at:
My Guestbook Show All
brandy_smeadMay 27, 2008
You have some cool houses
oldmember_psychofairySep 09, 2002
luuuuuuv that mermaid skin!!! I've downloaded a few from other people, but yers looks the most realistic.....can't wait to see more!
Cruella56Apr 06, 2002
Thanx for your guessbook entry, its really nice to get some feedback on my work. It\'s greatly appreciated. Thanx, angelkiss56