jennnnnie02 (2206832)
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Samuel E. Polis from Time Won't...
Published Aug 5, 2009
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Classic home (1)
Published Jan 10, 2009
About Me
Hey everyone. So I've decided to leave TSR or at least stop submitting things.
As most of you know, I have thousands of problems with submitting things on my account. I basically can't submit a full story, meaning all of the chapters that go with it, without having several problems along the way. Barely anybody even reads the stories I write anymore and it's just not worth the hassle.
Also, I want a fresh start somewhere other than TSR. So, provided I do actually find a new place to submit things, I won't be giving out the site on TSR.
I love all of you guys who have become my friends through this site and wish the best to you guys. Feel free to email me at, but fair warning, I don't always answer.
Love always, Jennie.(:
My Latest Updates Show All
Leaving TSR.Written Aug 05, 2009
Hey everyone. So I've decided to leave TSR or at least stop submitting things. As most of you know, I have thousands of problems with submitting things on my account. I basically can't submit a full story, meaning all of the chapters that go with it, without having several problems along the way. Barely anybody even reads the stories I write anymore and it's just not worth the hassle.... ...More
Story section/help?!Written Aug 02, 2009
Hey everybody. Obviously, this blog is about story submission. I've been having some problems and want to know if they're only happening to me before I flip out.(; Remember around December of 2008 and how stories would end up in submission for two or three days? Well, the second chapter of my story "Time Won't Tell" is going on it's third day of submission. Also, chapters of older stories... ...More
Profile Update! (Whaat?!)Written Jul 29, 2009
Hey guys.(: I finally made some actual changes to my profile. I'm working on creating a poll for "Time Won't Tell" and I've added a few new pods. Check it out and be sure to comment my stories and/or do my poll to earn some free kudos.(; xoxo - Jennie. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NouvelleLunaSep 26, 2010
Hi I really like your stories Thanks for sharing them!!!
charrayJan 15, 2010
Just wanted to say I love your stories Thanks so much for sharing them. You did a wonderful job
xtinabobinaSep 10, 2009
Of Love & Lust Episode 5 is ready! Come on by and check it out! Dont forget to leave some love! thanks!!! xtina.