joe12312 (2283532)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Beach Modern V1
Published Aug 25, 2009
About Me
I am an avid gamer who in my free time likes to program. I have just started to build houses that I can publish on The Sims Resource. I am looking forward to having my work recognised by the community and I hope some work will be featured sometime in the future.
My Latest Updates Show All
Upcoming lotWritten Aug 29, 2009
I'm currently in the middle of building my next lot. I'm hoping I can get it onto my profile as soon as possible for everyone to download. My main focus is to build modern houses, it has the same sort of style as the first house, but a little different like the new house however, does not have a basement. I'll let you know when the lot is finished and I'll upload it as soon as it's ready. ...More
First Creation is doing well!Written Aug 25, 2009
It was only this morning my first lot was publish 'Beach Modern V1' and already I have a rapidly growing number of downloads. I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who has downloaded and thanked me. This has given me a real boost and the drive to create more and better lots in the future for you to download! Thanks for reading, don't forget to check out my personal site/blog:... ...More
Hello World!Written Aug 25, 2009
As I have finaly begun placing my work on, I have realised it might be right to begin blogging on my profile. I will be posting every so often on here to let you all know what's happening and such. I hope to post soon! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
sshannonmarieeDec 31, 2022
You smell
eviDec 17, 2009
I wish you a merry Christmas and may you and your beloved ones have Peace and Health in the New Year!
eviAug 31, 2009
Hi joe! I am glad you liked my lot I hope you are enjoying it in the game too See you around