jokerette (551017)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (323 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Fast Cars
Published Aug 1, 2006
About Me
Hi! I love the Sims - have played it since before I even knew what an expansion pack is! I also love Star Trek and chocolate. I hate grey hair (not all grey hair, just the one I found on my head), the stupid cheerleader in University and the fact that chocolate contains lots of calories.
My ambitions in life are to finish decorating my bathroom, explore strange new worlds and seek out new civilizations, and eat lots of chocolate (am doing quite well on the last one).
My Guestbook Show All
Annababe71Aug 11, 2006
I'll look again. Just to make sure. I may not have that one, tis true
BBKZAug 01, 2006
Aaaawwwwww. You have so cute avatar (I love kitties)....
cynclaJun 02, 2006
No big deal , thought you'd like to know though. I'll download it again once it's straightened out. Cyncla