jpd1979 (559197)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

One level dream home
Published Feb 1, 2008
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selina012Oct 03, 2008
Thankyou for your comment on my Luxury Living set! This was one on my first submissions and my first Texture Challenge I ever did! Its nice to see that people are still downloading it
jsfOct 01, 2008
Hi Jason, Thank you for all of your comments on my Regal set, I hope you'll enjoy decorating with them, judi
ZutafenFeb 07, 2008
Just wanted to say that I rather liked your idea for a contest in the BAL forum. Don't take whatever the problem was too personally; moderators have a habit of coming across worse than they really are! Also, I think you're first lot is not too bad at all. Next time you build something, you'll have to come back to the BAL forum and show it off to us -Mark